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banned for not being psyched about e3

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Banned for being psyched about E3.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

banned for being 20 and liking artemis fowl
seriously i read that when i was 10

Romance is like playing Mastermind except the girl never tells you which pegs you got right. - Seanbaby

You're banned for trying to make me believe that you like Cheese

Banned for not B_E_L_I_E_V_I_N_G________

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

Around the Network

banned for having 194 games in your Wish List

Banned for having one that's 24.25 times smaller.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

banned for liking math (ok i do too)

Romance is like playing Mastermind except the girl never tells you which pegs you got right. - Seanbaby


banned for not having a working avy!

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.