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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why the 360 will ultimately succumb to the ps3...

cheaper price=sales

the 360 will always be cheaper.

Also the PS3 has taken far more of a beating from the gaming media than the 360 has (even with the RROD), I mean in Japan there is even a book titled "why the PS3 failed" Consumers see it as a super expensive machine, that costs more than it is worth (regardless of whether or not that's true, seeing as how it is a cheap blu-ray player as well). The PS3 has gotten a black eye as far as it's reputation goes, and the 360 is being seen as the platform for the "hardcore gamer", whatever that means.

If the PS3 beats the 360 it will be years from now, and not a decisive victory. They will be seperated by a few million maybe. In the same way the Xbox beat the gamecube.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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"The problem is, after Halo 3, what big name exclusive games does the 360 have? Sure, it has promising titles like Lost Odyssey set for '08, and a few cool pc/360 games like Alan Wake, but the only really BIG title coming next year is Ninja Gaiden 2."

You haven't really taken much time to check he 360 line up have you? There's some pretty damn big titles coming out in 08
Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Fable 2, Too Human, Left 4 dead, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction and a bunch of others. I'm not the resident Xbox expert on these boards, but I've seen some pretty impressive lists.

08 will be a good year for the box. A good year indeed.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Interesting read.

While I doubt the 360 will beat out the PS3 World Wide, I am 100% certain Xbox360 will always be #1(of HD consoles, if you so choose) in NA.


GT 5 is a HUGE system seller, in EU at least

MGS 4 is coming next year

KIllzone 2


Titles are there, if you ignore them you won't find them

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

The_vagabond7 said:
cheaper price=sales

the 360 will always be cheaper.

Also the PS3 has taken far more of a beating from the gaming media than the 360 has (even with the RROD), I mean in Japan there is even a book titled "why the PS3 failed" Consumers see it as a super expensive machine, that costs more than it is worth (regardless of whether or not that's true, seeing as how it is a cheap blu-ray player as well). The PS3 has gotten a black eye as far as it's reputation goes, and the 360 is being seen as the platform for the "hardcore gamer", whatever that means.

If the PS3 beats the 360 it will be years from now, and not a decisive victory. They will be seperated by a few million maybe. In the same way the Xbox beat the gamecube.

 The N64 and Gamecube were always cheaper as well.  Did that help them.

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your knowledge is DEEPLY FLAWED

Ps3 doesn't have 0 JRPG's

it has

FF13 (biggest one)

Eternal Sonata (just confirmed)

White Knight Story

Star Ocean IV


Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

sharky said:
I completely disagree..360 has the best lineup now and for the future. Each heavily hyped PS3 game seems to succumb to poor reviews. Lair, HS, does anyone doubt games like uncharted will suffer the same fate? Those games are ~8 material at best imo.

Already the 08 360 lineup is looking strong. NG2, Gears 2, Halo Wars, Alan Wake, Banjoe 3, Marvel MMO, Fable 2, etc etc etc.

Plus not even to mention Blue Dragon (just released) Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery. Those are four jrpg's while PS3 has zero. Of course this is not even to mention the tons of 3rd party mult-platform games.

Stuff like GT5 is nice but it's not system seller anymore, it's just, a 360 owner will just buy Project Gotham instead. Meanwhile, Sony has no title as monstrous as Halo 3. Just look at the fact MS can have a $130 legendary edition of Halo 3. Sony has no title, not GT not anything, that has that much rabid popularity to get away with a $130 edition, and have hundreds of thousands of it sell.

360 just has an awesome depth of games..both in 2007 and 2008.

I highly doubt that Gears will make it out next year. I even addressed that in the OP.

I forgot about Fable 2, so you got me there.

As for titles like Alan Wake, I tried to avoid posting new IPS in general for both consoles, listing only two for the 360 and three for the ps3. Both have loads of new IPs coming next year, but we can't base much on them. Franchises like Halo and GT we can trust to turn out well. New IPs could turn out like Lair and Blue Dragon.

Edit: s for jrpgs, the ps3 is getting Folklore this year, and FFXIII, White Knight Story, Star Ocean 4, and others next year. Then there's the long-rumored FF7 remake, which I mentioned in the OP.

Did you even read it?!?

darthdevidem said:

your knowledge is DEEPLY FLAWED

Ps3 doesn't have 0 JRPG's

it has

FF13 (biggest one)

Eternal Sonata (just confirmed)

White Knight Story

Star Ocean IV


FF7 on topic, the 360 currently is the only HD console that has alot of games compared to the PS3. As DonWii said 360 will dominate in America, but PS3 will come close to the 360 worldwide just for the simple fact that they have Japan and 360 doesn't. Its going to be a close fight with 360 and PS3.

darthdevidem said:

FF13 (biggest one)

Eternal Sonata (just confirmed)

White Knight Story

Star Ocean IV


Every system on the planet has FF7 remake available for it.  Seriously, when Square runs out of ideas, which is often, they start remaking Final Fantasy 7.

The exclusivity of FF13 is in question.  Square publically complains about Sony's moves with the PS3 regularly.  Consider the PS3' s perception in Japan -- if Square had it to do all over again, I bet they would've developed FF13 for the Wii. 

makingmusic476 said:

New IPs could turn out like Lair and Blue Dragon.

You just lost all credibility with that statement.

I reviewed both games and while Lair was a steaming pile of dog****, Blue Dragon is actually an extremely polished and fun game.

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