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I would break the law

What if you were supermario128?

Around the Network

I say I hate mario and change the avatar to somthing mario hating related

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

What if you were an animal?

I'll eat other animals
what if you was a fissh?

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

i would make an anime with fish in it!

What if you were a millionaire!?

Around the Network

I'll buy all I ever wanted
what if you lost a million dollers?

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

I'd be an animal that swims in a brook, who can't write his name or read a book. To fool the people would be my only thought, and though I'd be slippery I'd still get caught. (If that sort of life is what you wish, you may grow up to be a fish.)

What if you were a mule?

i would kill myself!

What if you were sasuke uchiha?

I would be emo

What if you would be naruto?

i would try and get Sasuke to come back to the village!!!!

What if you were Sakura??