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I would punch him for being on my head.

What if someone gives you a free house?

Around the Network

i would live in it

what if someone gave you baby luigi

i would eat him

what if nitendo closed

I'd switch to SONY.

What if you were Bowser?

Not give a crap

What if you were a dog?!

Around the Network

chew up everything

what would you do if you were patrick(the starfish)

Read the stamp

What if you were sponge bob!?! *reads manga*

i would live in a pineapple under the sea

what if your house catches on fire

then i would have wasted thousands of dollars on all the material things that i have bought of the years.

What if monkeys could fly?

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi


What if you were offered your dream job!!