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We'd be extinct in about a hundred and 20 years.

What if i was Robin?

Around the Network

I would ask you for an autograph

What if Spiderman was real?

There'd be less crime.

What if i went to bed?


What if you stay and post :) ?

I would help you get to 9400 posts.

What if soriku hadn't disrupted the chain? :P

Around the Network

The thread would have not been awesome.

What if you could change into different animals?

I would change into an elephant. no one fucks with elephants

What if you could be someone else, who would you be?

Pit from Kid Icarus

What if it starts raining candy?

PS:Thanks for helping hopefully we can do this again tommorow :)

I'd get fat... (no problem, and sure)

What if computers didn't have mice?

The trolls would run amuck.

What if ioi banned TheSource?