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Forums - Gaming Discussion - More "Tales of" patents.

I think the only new one is Unifcs. If this is old then just lock.


商願2009-009129 テイルズ オブ ブレセア\Tales of Blessea
商願2009-009131 テイルズ オブ ユニフィクス\Tales of Unifics
商願2009-009848 テイルズオブバトルファンダム\Tales of Battlefandom

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Tales of Headaches EDIT: Tales of Unific and Battlefandom sound terrible, thoug I think Battlefandom = Vs

I'm surprised Soriku didn't find this.

Pacman taught people to run around in dark rooms munching on pills while listening to repettive techno music and for that I somewhat idolise him.

This is actually old....and he did find it

Xxain said:
This is actually old....and he did find it


 Fair enough.

Pacman taught people to run around in dark rooms munching on pills while listening to repettive techno music and for that I somewhat idolise him.