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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New SEGA and Tri-Ace RPG (PS3/360) - End of Eternity

You lot dont even know when the game is coming to the NA and EU, too early to make a hype thread about the game. SEGA is going to handle localization right? If so the NA and EU wont be seeing this one until long after the Japan release.

Not importing this one though, waste of money on a tri-ACE game whom have failed to impress this generation. Also cancelled the Advent Childen + FFXIII trial pre-order I had, not going to spend that much money on a 40 minute demo after SE first said it would be 90 minutes. FFXIII (full game), Versus and GT5 however.........:)


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Riachu said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
g-value said:
Here is some info on the game:

End of Eternity

- PS3/360
- Sega/Tri-Ace
- New RPG
- 2009 Winter
- Main character: Zaphyr (17 yr old), partner: Vashyron (26 yr old)
- Machinery gun battle seems to be the theme of the game?
- Experiment 20 (19 years old), the girl who parts with destiny
- semi-real time battle system
- machinery world setting
- 65% done
- Ads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Sounds like an awesome game.

Damn good find G man. Alright whos gonna make the Official "EoE" Hype thread?!


We should wait for videos and more news before we make a hype thread.  When that happens, I'll make the thread if someone hasn't made it first.


Ahh, yeah good call.

So far though im falling in love with this art-style, i have'nt been this tweakin since Versus XIII goddamnit!!


@Xain- No, im in charge of the official Versus XIII hype thread. anything else is free game. :P


Riachu said:
luisgvm said:
Riachu said:
tyig said:
Hope the game is good, but the name is just terrible.

I hope you have a good reason for hating the name.  Atleast this name is made of actual words unlike IU,



well in the end what matters is that the game turns out great and with those scans it looks like it will be¡¡¡¡¡.

I hoping for a great game too but I am trying not to get my hopes to high.



yeah your right. we should wait for more news of the game. by the way, is the game going to have a party of characters?

its like just 3 which is fine

its tri ace mad a square or something?.


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At first I was like OMG new tri-Ace game GIMME.

Then I saw the shooting and was like NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuu!1!111

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

@Jo They should be, SE has been fucking up like crazy lately.

Tri-Ace = The New Square Enix NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E |!!

Xxain said:
its like just 3 which is fine


mmm i see. well i hope for more characters. i love when an RPG have a lot of characters.

Like I really diggin the tri-Ace SEGA combo, i would like to see this permanent.

@Soriku- I know right? got the same exact feeling, first thing that came to my mind infact, and lol @Da sooordz.

To be honest it is odd for Tri-Ace to make a game with games in them.

Let alone it looking Modern times, all there games are WAY into the future to Mid-Evil so thats another first...

Omg... Will Gaberial be in here as a Secrect boss for the up-tenth time!?