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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Tales of Vesperia info on the PS3 port and the movie

^how about difficulty? I hate too easy RPGs. I'm also very annoyed by RPGs with tons of features and upgradable stuff you spend hours and hours upgrading and you never get their worth using them. Same for tons of characters you can upgrade and such but never have a chance to play with all of them or are left forgotten.

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does this game have co-op like enternal sonata? and is there a mature storyline and character interaction have a good balance of mature and non mature moments?

oh but you can play co-op in this game! you didn't tell me that, that's interesting...haven't played a co-op RPG since Seiken Densetsu 3.

The said:
^how about difficulty? I hate too easy RPGs. I'm also very annoyed by RPGs with tons of features and upgradable stuff you spend hours and hours upgrading and you never get their worth using them. Same for tons of characters you can upgrade and such but never have a chance to play with all of them or are left forgotten.

You can change difficulty setting. So if normal mode is to easy for you then put it on hard mode. There are alot of weapens, spells, skills and arte but they are very useful and will be worth using them. You can use any character you want to use as well. Combat is in real time and is fast paced.



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@ inforcer2 and The

Yes their is a 4 player co-op. Also there is a mature storyline in Tales of Vesperia as well. It has a couple of dark moments as well that you would not see much of in other jrpgs. Also the character ineractions are great and has a great balance of mature and non mature moments. The main character Yuri Lowell is one of the best rpg leads i have ever seen and many agree with me on that.

Harkins1721 said:


 That was random.


well, RPG fan's review was mostly positive, except for the story which it seems it's nothing special. I really don't mind as long as it's not "lets get it over with bad" or cheesy. They also found some inconsistencies with the voice acting, minor things I'd say. I shall give it a try.

The said:
oh but you can play co-op in this game! you didn't tell me that, that's interesting...haven't played a co-op RPG since Seiken Densetsu 3.


 I wasnt being random! i was just saying that Secret of Mana was awesome because Seiken Densetsu 2 is Secret of Mana.

I wonder how many tales fan would get this game? How many exclusive 360 owner would get a ps3 just for an complete version of ToV? Eternal Sonata fail to make a splash when it was release but Tale is a much bigger franchise with a legion of loyal followers in Japan....