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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

Not buying a 360 now because it's unreliable is like not buying a PS2 now because it's unreliable.

Except early PS2 models seemed to have an even higher failure rate.

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Yes its always amazing how peoples memories blur out the past. I seem to recall massive issues with laser failures on the PS2 and then of course there was the graphics don't matter statements when they had the worst looking of last generations consoles. Now we find people slating SE for following their own business plans that served them and their fans well in the past.

If you love JRPG's then you should buy a 360 and stop whining, same as any 360 owner should buy a PS3 if they want MGS4. If Sony want to get more SE titles on the PS3 perhaps they should have supported one of their countries most treasured devleopers through cash injections when the Japanese economy was bad a few years ago.

Jo21 said:
^ sometimes i think you are bot. >_o
or something. :P.


What?  I have the launch version of the ps2, still buying and playing games on it.

^ my ps2 its a old 2003 model.
actually never broken.

Jo21 said:
^ my ps2 its a old 2003 model.
actually never broken.


 Excellent there must have never been an issue with the PS2 then.

Given myself and the earlier poster have no issues with our 360's then applying your logic we can say the 360 is a reliable console too then

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i think i prefer to wait they are ported or the 360 gets redesigned from scratch.

Jo21 said:
i think i prefer to wait they are ported or the 360 gets redesigned from scratch.


 Fair enough, shame you'll miss so many great games due to your biased views.

numonex said:
Square-Enix betrayed Sony just like many other third party developers. They are bringing their games to other console systems. Sony fans have been betrayed by Square-Enix.

FFXIII being ported to X360 was the last straw for some PS3 owners.

"Boycott Square-Enix".


 I was saying that for a while until I saw the newest FFXIII trailer. I don't want to give square any money, but I am really craving a good RPG. So, I will say again what I have been saying for over two years now.

Sony, Where is Legend of Dragoon 2?

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.

numonex said:
Square-Enix betrayed Sony just like many other third party developers. They are bringing their games to other console systems. Sony fans have been betrayed by Square-Enix.

Square Enix are using the X360 to dump test games onto us in: Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant.

SE recently bought Eidos Interactive and plan on buying more struggling game development studios.

FFXIII being ported to X360 was the last straw for some PS3 owners.

"Boycott Square-Enix".

Do you realize that it is possible to be so sarcastic that people believe you are being genuine?

Jo21 said:
^ my ps2 its a old 2003 model.
actually never broken.

Yes and there are people with launch 360's who have never broken either.

Your point?

Fact is.  PS2 is the only videogame console whose hardware was so bad it lost a lawsuit.