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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Other than DSi ware, is there really a need to buy a DSi?

I can't think of one unless you have a serious addiction to the GBA and you need something to make you stop playing it.

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not really, other than having bragging rights

I will buy one once it comes out in my favourite colour.

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If I didn't already have a DS, I would probably get it. So the reasons that I would get it would be for the DS Ware or whaever, the cameras and that functionality and also the internet depending on what it can do.

I haven't followed the DSi much so I don't know a whole lot about it, including the internet features. Can you watch videos on it like Youtube as you can with the Wii? Can you only go on the net where there is WiFi? It's a lot of stuff like that I would need to know beforehand.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

I don't have a DS yet, so the DSi will be a fine introduction! The camera and Dsware will be awesome.

I'm not worried about missing a GBA slot. All I have to do is buy another GBA for cheap. Problem solved.

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Person 2:  No.
Person 1: Forget it. I'm not buying it.
Person 2: Wait! It's amazing! Unique, charming, drop dead gorgeous... Hello?

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I'll consider buying one once there are games made specific for the additional functions on DSi

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sponnyroad said:

Sure DSi ware will have some games but anyone with a DS firecard can just download those games for free. The camera on the DSi isn't very good and is a screen that is a tiny bit bigger really needed?I personally think the DS lite is just fine.

If you are going to buy a DSi what are your reasons?

What you wrote just doesn't fly.  There is no way you can legally DL the DSiware game for free.  If you are talking about breaking the law, please take your ideas somewhere else as we don't talk about stealing games here.  Also, some of the DSiware games will not work on the DSL.  I hope that helps.



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I might consider upgrading if the time comes. Because I'm absolutely not using the GBA slot. So I guess a DSi will favor me better, the cameras are quite interesting and the added increase in the screens and the Opera browser defaulted, sounds pretty neat. But not for $170.

The DSi is actually twice as powerful as the DS Lite/Phat. So when we do get DSi specific games, they will most likely take advantage of that extra power..

Honestly though.. I'm not interested.. I have my Phat, just bought GTA: CW and it's perfectly fine on that system. Unless I see software I realy want that isn't possible on DS Phat/Lite then I won't be upgrading..

Also I don't own any GBA games so I'm actually glad they removed the GBA slot..


KylieDog said:
burgerstein said:
KylieDog said:
I want a DSi so I can deny myself access to the great selection of GBA games.

 Yes, because when you get a DSi they make you sign a contract that says you must throw out you DS and Gameboy Advance. Those clever buggers.

Throw out those things that I do not own?

So they're denying you something you already deny yourself? I don't get it, Dr. Jones.


Yeah. My left shoulder button on my DS Lite is broken, and has been for like 18 months. I've been holding out for a long, long time.