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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Dead Rising Impressions

Let me first say that I bought this game thanks to my severance pay. This game is obviously a poor effort, but in the end is a barely decent game. Clearly Capcom phoned this one in, after an hour of gameplay I can confirm that the zombies are just as dumb and far less numerous than what was presented in the early screenshots.  Sadly they are just as dumb as the 360 zombies.

The character models are weak at best, not terrible mind you, but not impressive. On the other hand some of the areas are quite large, but with zombies appearing at the last minute it really kills the tension. We all know the Wii is weaker HW but this is just weak effort.

The "dumbies" lack intelligence and detail, and seem to be more than happy to stand still and be murdered. The missions are fun despite the "dumbies", but are clearly cut down from what is already a $20 greatest hits 360 game.


In the end I am only about an hour and a half in but I am not impressed. 6/10.

The game is the definition of lazy port, dumber graphics, just as dumb AI, and washedout missions. It is some fun, but for half the price you can buy the far superior Xbox version- which it pains me to say. The Wii aiming is better, but it does not make it worth double the price, especially with all the raped content.


Sorry to the few fervent defenders of this game, but frankly it is not worth it- as most of us knew months ago. I'm sure the zeolots will challenge whether I actually own this game-, so I am more than happy to take a picture of anything that will prove that I own this game (receipt, case, whatever). Sorry guys, but stop defending this sad cash grap. It is decent- for $15. At $39 anybody in their right mind would buy it on 360, or not at all. The superior Wiimote controls do not make up for all of the other missing things, and at double the price this is just a sad joke. Don't expect 500k Capcom, unless my fellow Wii owners are far dumber than you think.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


Around the Network

Just wanted to add that the cover/back and manual are all top notch. If this game does well it will be because the box does look quite nice.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


Hopefully people choose House of the Dead over this.. I really hope they do..


^^^ Me too, While this game is not total garbage like a Data Designs game, it is certainly one that could have been an 8.5 or 9 but due to total disregard and lazyness ended up being a 6 at best. If you liek zombies and don't own all the rest do not buy this game. If you own a 360 don't buy this game. If you don't own a 360 and DO own all the other Wii zombie games, give it a shot, it is (sorta) bargain priced.


If you do choose to buy it, it should be easy to find, the Best Buy near me ordered at least 20 copies. My local Gamestop had 15+ as well.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


I disagree 100%. I'll have my impressions up soon.

Btw i have encountered MANY zombies lots of times.