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Forums - Sony Discussion - Big PSN update today

PSN EU has been updated today instead of thursday due to the LGC. Plenty of videos and a demo of Folklore are now avialable. UT3 and Warhawk are looking really good.

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Cool, Folklore demo. If this doesn't hit the U.S. store, I might have to make a European account finally (not the first time I have said that...).

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

Is this the same folklore demo as was released on the Japan store months ago?

Anyway I'm gonna download it to check.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Cool. Downloading the Folklore demo now.

different demo, but dont even bother if u have an sdtv (like me, getting an hdtv a really nice one soon) it doesnt have the display resolution to work.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

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The Folklore demo is pretty fun. There is no voice acting, at least in the parts I saw (I am assuming they haven't finished the English voices yet). I played through the girls storyline and I am pretty confident that I will pick the game up. I am needing me a JRPG fix on the PS3. Damn you 360 for stealing so many JRPG's...Probably will force me to get one eventually.

The combat is based on mapping creatures to the 4 buttons. You have short-range attack creatures, defense creatures, long-range creatures, status effect creatures, and some creatures in between. And yes, all those types are in the demo. They can string together very fluidly during combat, which makes me see a ton of potential with this kind of combat system. If only you could map more than 4 creatures....The length of the demo is great too. There is plenty to do.

This does have English words if you get it from the UK store. Don't know about other European countries/languages. The regular enemies are somewhere between fodder and medium difficulty since it is an early level. Some of the bosses will give you a good run for your money. I never died, but I was close on at least 2 of the 3 bosses. Haven't played through the other half yet. The Monster Book is a really cool feature. It has foreign words in it (look Japanese, don't know if that was intentional or not, but I think it was) because you figure out what to do against the bosses looking at the pictures. That doesn't mean it is easy, because sometimes the pictures don't give the greatest of hints. The bosses can be pretty aggressive too.

I didn't check to see if their are any cinemas on the demo or what the male character's half is like yet, but I give the demo a 4/5 off what I saw. Combat kept me interested, graphics were good but not great (were great on some parts), and I don't know how the story will be like. No voices hurt it too, but I don't think that will be an issue in the final build. I am almost certain I will pick this up when it comes out.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson