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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: PS3 “sales curve” to far outlast that of PS2

Sony must be smoking crack... The PS3 won't likely last another two years.


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HappySqurriel said:

There has only ever been 1 console which was truely (from a technical standpoint) futureproof and that was the SNES because Nintendo designed it so you could have "add-on" chips within the cartridge which could improve performance ... With that said, if technology was what kept systems alive for longer the XBox and Gamecube would have still been alive long after the PS2 died out.



"futureproof" think people actually took that phrase seriously a few years ago.


"I want a PC that will allow me to play games and is futureproof"...


The stupidity of man.

damkira said:

Sony must be smoking crack... The PS3 won't likely last another two years.




No they are correct in their assertions in some way...(the mad bs sony propoganda load of crap way)


You see if you imagine a sales curve? Think of the PS2 it was a big healthy fruity curve....Now imagine the PS3 curve it is a lifeless curve, it will take about 20 years for the height of the curve to reach the equivalent height of the PS2 at 6 years or so (I'm being generous here to the PS3)...


So a continueum of infinity and the sales curve of the ps3 will always be looking "meatier" than the PS2 because.....the curve don't even start!!!!


This is the logic of PS3 PR....


Save us, Save us NOW!!!!!!


For crying out loud, of all the retarded, stupid, downright misleading twatty things that a PR company could come out with, this is IT. Mind you, they will more than likely trump it tomorrow!

twingo said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Only way this happens is if Sony starts bundling Wii's in with every PS3


or better yet lowers price.

PS3 slim would set sales on fire, though personally i always stuck with the launch bricks never got the new small models.

I dont know about that the slim 2 came out when prices were coming down if I remember corecctly,

Also nothing stopping 360 from introducing a slim to counterreact.

In fact i would say the 360 slim is more likely at present.

I think Mr stickball had some info on that late last year.

I am going on memory here so please forgive me if i am wrong about that.






HappySqurriel said:
twingo said:
Well given their game dev capability and the fact PS3 will be produced as long as they say. Then why not, wii2 wont even have 360 power MS them self said this gen will be longer.

Wii2 will not push Sony or MS to release new hardware, and both MS and Sony have dug them self in for the longest hardware gen this industry has ever seen.


Why wouldn't the follow up to the Wii be more powerful than the current HD consoles?

You do realize that at the end of 2010 the XBox 360 will be as old as the Gamecube was when Nintendo released the Wii?

Are you aware that the very inexpensive Radeon HD4830 is already far more powerful than the GPUs inside either of the HD consoles?

Think about how much more advancement is going to happen over the next 4 years and really start to think why Nintendo wouldn't be able to surpass the power of the HD consoles when an eeepc will outperform either console in 2012.

I thought consumers didnt care for better graphics?

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blazinhead89 said:
HappySqurriel said:
twingo said:
Well given their game dev capability and the fact PS3 will be produced as long as they say. Then why not, wii2 wont even have 360 power MS them self said this gen will be longer.

Wii2 will not push Sony or MS to release new hardware, and both MS and Sony have dug them self in for the longest hardware gen this industry has ever seen.


Why wouldn't the follow up to the Wii be more powerful than the current HD consoles?

You do realize that at the end of 2010 the XBox 360 will be as old as the Gamecube was when Nintendo released the Wii?

Are you aware that the very inexpensive Radeon HD4830 is already far more powerful than the GPUs inside either of the HD consoles?

Think about how much more advancement is going to happen over the next 4 years and really start to think why Nintendo wouldn't be able to surpass the power of the HD consoles when an eeepc will outperform either console in 2012.


I thought consumers didnt care for better graphics?


Consumers don't care for "bleeding edge" tech even though PS3 isn't really that either) if it makes things too expensive.

by 2012 Nintendo will be able to make a console a good bit more powerful than the PS3 for the usual launch price of $200 (the Wii was the first Nintendo console to launch higher than that, and it was mostly due to Wii Sports being packed in)

blazinhead89 said:
HappySqurriel said:
twingo said:
Well given their game dev capability and the fact PS3 will be produced as long as they say. Then why not, wii2 wont even have 360 power MS them self said this gen will be longer.

Wii2 will not push Sony or MS to release new hardware, and both MS and Sony have dug them self in for the longest hardware gen this industry has ever seen.


Why wouldn't the follow up to the Wii be more powerful than the current HD consoles?

You do realize that at the end of 2010 the XBox 360 will be as old as the Gamecube was when Nintendo released the Wii?

Are you aware that the very inexpensive Radeon HD4830 is already far more powerful than the GPUs inside either of the HD consoles?

Think about how much more advancement is going to happen over the next 4 years and really start to think why Nintendo wouldn't be able to surpass the power of the HD consoles when an eeepc will outperform either console in 2012.


I thought consumers didnt care for better graphics?


Graphics are "good enough" for most users. However, as the price of graphics comes down, you might as well improve graphics in your next console.


That said, I agree with Malstrom that there's a strong possibility that Nintendo won't start another gen with a new Wii model, but the next generation will begin with new external hardware (Wii motion plus). If Nintendo goes this route, I expect they'll only upgrade the console itself when they need a faster processor for a more sophisticated control mechanism, or something like that. They'll upgrade graphics simultaneously, but improved graphics won't be the motivation.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

The cake is a lie. Future proof is another lie

Well atleast the blue-ray seems pretty futureproof, with 1Tb disks in the near future. The Ps2 was initially difficult to develope games on, same with the Ps3 so it'll be a little while longer til we see the best the Ps3 has to offer.

The main thing that is going to stretch out this gen though is money, we're diving deep into a pretty bad recession so there isn't alot of money floating around to research and develop new consoles, people don't have enough money to buy new expensive and powerfull consoles. And most of all, devs don't have enough money to make big enough games to tap the Ps3's power fully, let alone games that'll be big enough for the next gen.

There is absolutely zero chance the ps3 will last longer then the ps2 as it just doesn't have the support or market dominance. Unless their first parties become more prolific it simply can't happen.