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Of course there has to be a last-phase hang-up in my study abroad application. Who sends an approval form in with the "Not Approved" box checked, just because its "not time to approve you yet"

feh. It's not like you're gonna deny me, why be so honest?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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I just want to befriend everyone and hug everyone!!! Any takers???


Mordred11 said:

Today,I told a girl that I like her.But i dont think it was the right time,I'm afraid everything just happened too fast =(.
Now theres a chance that everything is fucked.

This girl makes me feel amazing,and i only have to look at her for that to happen.

Chicks are very manipulative, it's like they brain wash us with their charm and good looks >.>


Today, I had two tests, a math one and a history one.
In the math one, I was the only one who got it perfectly, and I was like: "lololololo suckerz" to my friends, then in history, I got a laughable 1/15 they were like "lolololol sucker".

finally downloading resident evil 4 hd i love this game
1 of the best games ever made :)

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Went back and started playing Force Unleashed again. Trying to beat it on the hardest difficulty. The game feels pretty old already. Still mostly fun though.

I seriously need to lose a few inches. Bah it's hard to go from couch potato to *actually* moving. Sigh... I always want to do too much from the start and then get discouraged. I really need to stop being so pushy and start slow and little, then gradually get where I want to get. =_=

Four hours of work, left. Two hours of awesome time (gonna play some PSP!) and two hours of working my ass off.

Bring it on.

whats on my mind is how people on this site get so worked up over opinions, smh

As for what's on my mind at the moment, I'm wondering how the guy that posted before me managed to amass so many removed posts that he got himself banned after six months of doing absolutely nothing, not even posting as much as a post a day. It boggles the mind the ways that people can be such complete assholes.

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!