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Mr Khan said:

Translating Japanese is hard

I'll repeat my previous grievance: These people have three perfectly good alphabets to work with, but they still cling to this incomprehensible Chinese-derived character system. It takes a good fifteen minutes for me to derive a single word, and then i kick myself because i totally knew that word if it had been written in a system people can actually understand

Yeah I always wondered that... People claim it is for cultural reasons as well as "clarity"... Knowing what a word is. I say BS on that. There's something called context, after all!

Reiterating my frustration at kanji. I was trying to do a translation as a productive and fun way, but one indecipherable stupid picture breaks the whole and makes it worthless.

Wasted fricking time.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

trasharmdsister12 said:
trashleg said:

why? o_0

I wish it had been meth

So it was coke than I see good stuff!

trasharmdsister12 said:
trashleg said:

why? o_0

It was our final design project symposium. So for the last year or so we had to come up with an idea, design it, produce a prototype and present the final product at this giant symposium where we gave a keynote speech, had a booth set up for demos and explanations which was open to the public. They had local TV stations reporting and what not too.

Please don't ask me about my project and all that jazz. I want to forget about the whole experience .

It's a long story that I don't wish to recall... but on Tuesday I was just so busy ramping up for this thing all day (writing speech for presentation, setting up the booth, running into numerous ridiculous snags and problems and delays that you wouldn't believe if i listed them) that I didn't have time to stop and eat or drink anything. I went the full day without any sort of nourishment. I finally got home and spent most of the night (and morning) memorizing my speech. I got a couple of hours of sleep and woke up to the sound of people telling me to go help shovel. I'm thinking "WTF?! It's spring and it's been 15 lately"... Surely enough the weather decided to crap on us the day of the symposium with a foot and a half of snow and -30 weather with the wind chill (sooo much frikken wind!).

The hall where the symposium was set up was actually the main hall the library building at our campus. The doors are automatic sliding doors and my booth was set up relatively close to the door.... so the doors were literally open the entire time as people kept entering and leaving the library. Did I mention we don't get chairs at our booths? So yea... I was left standing all day because at least one teammate has to be there at all times... and my teammates are... well let's leave it at that. I didn't have time to go eat anything even though lunch and dinner were provided. I had my presentation time alotted at lunch and dinner saw a rush of people from industry that just got off of work.

Craziest few days!!! I lost my voice due to saying the same thing over and over and over to every person that stepped up to my group's booth. I don't think I've ever talked so much in one day and I don't think I ever will again. Yesterday gave me a new appreciation for silence (and warmth)!. We also had to dress formally so I was in a suit and dress shoes... which just made it that much worse. I'm normally warm in a suit but yesterday I was freezing.

And that is why...

I wish it had been meth

Wow, that sounds quite least you're done with it forever now

Also, we had a snowstorm too, and it made me quite happy, we only got 7.75" though

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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Firefox 4 is awesome...its faster, less clutter, and vgchartz forums look prettier on it!

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Just ordered a dead space: martyer and Crysis 2 for PS3 of amazon it takes my card. I go on ps store to buy Dead Space 2 add on severed and they will not take my fucking card. I guess sony does not want my money.

trasharmdsister12 said:

Watching Mortal Kombat on TV... It doesn't get any better than this.

What channel? Not sure if Canadian channels are the same though, lol.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

trasharmdsister12 said:
Baalzamon said:

What channel? Not sure if Canadian channels are the same though, lol.

Peachtree TV

Johnny Cage vs Scorpion... Oh shit! The mask just came off!

dammit, I've never heard of that station in my life, you're making me want to watch it so badly.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:

Firefox 4 is awesome...its faster, less clutter, and vgchartz forums look prettier on it!

When i look at FF4, i think "I already have Chrome." My parents' computer upgraded to 4, but i'm holding off on mine because i like this feel better

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.