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Forums - Gaming Discussion - crytek buys free radical


Crytek has completed a purchase of developer Free Radical for an 'undisclosed sum,' according to a news story at Based in Nottingham, England, Free Radical recently lost a large portion of its workforce, though retained 40 employees. The studio is responsible for Timesplitters back in 2000 as well as the more recent PlayStation 3 exclusive Haze in May of 2008. The purchase was confirmed to 1up by Free Radical's writer Rob Yescombe.

Crytek, operating primarily out of Germany, is the studio responsible for the original Far Cry back in 2004, and more recently Crysis in 2007 and Crysis Warhead in 2008, as well as its CryEngine and CryEngine 2 game engine technology.

Nothing at this point is known for sure what may happen with Free Radical or its IPs beyond what we've been told so far. We've got requests for confirmation and comments in to both studios and will update as soon as we hear something.#


hopfully timesplitters 4 will come out for all 3 consoles. This game will be too fun to not hit every consoles

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Bad news for TimeSplitters fans. Timesplitters were never really graphical intense games, but they had lots of tongue in cheek humor and multiplayer customization. That doesn't suit Crytek at all. A Wii version of TimeSplitters is out of the question now too.

We'll see I guess.

Wow I literally LOL'd and OMFG'd at the same time!


Free Radical are some of the best minds in the business when it comes to making FPSes for consoles, Haze notwithstanding. It's going to be interesting to see what they can do with Crytek's money and technology.

wow wasn't expecting that. Cool.

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