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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii Fit: If you have this game - are you still using it?

I tend to play it during weekends, but sometimes miss a week due to schoolwork. I don't play it all during weekdays because of school. Due to those conditions, I haven't really got the full benefit from's mostly a play for fun thing for me. If I had more time, I'm sure that the various exercises would be beneficial (my balance has already gotten better, since I usually tend to play those games).

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I'm on Day 240 or something close to it.
I've use it about 4 times a week.

I'm a gym person, so this is a great supplement in the morning.
And the Step Aerobics while watching TV is the bees knees.

All in All, it is a great purchase.
The wife loves it, and actually the freinds enjoy it during quite a few pints.
(Hula Hooping while drinking may cause damage)

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!

Gamerace said:

It's like any exercise equipment. Some people continue to use it - I myself still do 2-3 times a week but other's just go full bore for a week or two and then never touch it again.

Good news is you can use the balance board for games like Shaun White, Skate It, RRR3, Don King Boxing, Wii Music, Marble Balance Kororinpa and many others.

Actually this was just discussed recently:

Check it out for more responses



The yoga part is actually really relaxing & the game is really fun so it keeps u interested.

BTW, check out this article on yahoo:

Cherry picking much?

My girlfriend still uses it, yeah.

Had it since launch.  Uses it about every other day and alternates with other exercises.