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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii Fit: If you have this game - are you still using it?

My wife is interested in this game - she likes little cardio work out.  So I'm planning to purchase one but before I do I'd like to ask those of you have it, "are you still using it"?

If you are, then how often do you play it and has it helped you to stay fit, lose weight, feel better?

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Half an hour a day, I have had it for two weeks though so i cant really tell you ive been using for months. Good bit of kit for the price of a couple of months gym membership


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

um i got this 4 my sister 4 christmas and she still hasnt played it

I've had it since August and although I don't play it everyday (not enough time) I still play it like 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes a day.

dsister44 said:
um i got this 4 my sister 4 christmas and she still hasnt played it


I don't know if that counts though if she NEVER played it

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Coca-Cola said:

My wife is interested in this game - she likes little cardio work out.  So I'm planning to purchase one but before I do I'd like to ask those of you have it, "are you still using it"?

If you are, then how often do you play it and has it helped you to stay fit, lose weight, feel better?

Definitely. Especially doing the yoga. I'm a hockey goalie and I love doing the yoga because it helps me stay flexible along with other exercises I do.


Wetcoaster said:
Coca-Cola said:

My wife is interested in this game - she likes little cardio work out.  So I'm planning to purchase one but before I do I'd like to ask those of you have it, "are you still using it"?

If you are, then how often do you play it and has it helped you to stay fit, lose weight, feel better?

Definitely. Especially doing the yoga. I'm a hockey goalie and I love doing the yoga because it helps me stay flexible along with other exercises I do.


yeah, yoga part of the game is what my wife is interested in.  I'm just afraid to spend a lot of money and not using it.



I got it about 6 weeks ago, used it for 1 week and now it generally gathers dust. The woman likes it though, so it wasn't a complete waste of game cash.

Yep, still using it. I get pretty good strength and cardio exercise elsewhere, but I like to use Wii Fit to focus on stretching my spine and strengthening my core muscles. My flexibility has improved, my spine really appreciates the yoga, and strong core muscles just make everything you do feel easier. I've had a hard time being bothered to do crunches or stretching in the past.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

It's like any exercise equipment. Some people continue to use it - I myself still do 2-3 times a week but other's just go full bore for a week or two and then never touch it again.

Good news is you can use the balance board for games like Shaun White, Skate It, RRR3, Don King Boxing, Wii Music, Marble Balance Kororinpa and many others.

Actually this was just discussed recently:

Check it out for more responses