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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Halo 3

numonex said:
windbane said:
numonex said:
Bungie did not have any FPS experience before they made Halo. halo series is the only FPS series I believe Bungie has made. The Conduit looks like a new FPS exclusive to Wii and it could be a huge sales hit title.


They developed Marathon on PC, buddy. Nice try, though.

You're too funny!


Edit: I think you edited your post so I edited the quote (you added "FPS" inbetween "only series" they have made, unless I somehow deleted it. Otherwise, you also didn't know about the great game Myth: The Fallen Lords. Just fyi, though, there was a Marathon 2 as well =)


I have never heard of those other games.


Cool, well now you know. Bungie's first well-known game was a FPS.


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The Conduit looks horrible. I'm not a Halo fan but Wii owners chose the wrong game to hype graphically... it can't even compare slightly.

FFS. HVS is doing the best they can with a graphically limited console. We don't need to compare it to XBox graphics, seriously, it's a stupid trap to fall into.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Conduit fails graphically. That's about it... the games can't compare.



you can call me stupid, but Conduit looks somehow better, not the enviroment, but the atmosphere, like enemies, shadows and so on, blood :P

we all know that Wii can no way produce Ps3/Xbox360 graphics, but game like Conduit and especially Monster Hunter 3 make the Wii look closer to HD consoles than Ps2 for example

also, Conduit is not released yet, so we can't really compare, but just the fact that The Conduit graphics can be compared to Halo 3 is a big success for HVS

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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Why compare The Conduit to a shitty game? Even if it is pointless to compare its graphics to high budget (fake) HD games, it would make more sense to compare it to a good looking game. Halo 3 looked like crap when it launched and looks even worse today.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

ItsaMii said:
Why compare The Conduit to a shitty game? Even if it is pointless to compare its graphics to high budget (fake) HD games, it would make more sense to compare it to a good looking game. Halo 3 looked like crap when it launched and looks even worse today.

Halo 3 looks marginally better than Halo 2, but that doesn't make it a "shitty game."


I watch the Conduit vs Halo 2 and I do think it looks better than 2.

Going against Halo 3 is stupid. For one Halo 3 is HD on a far more powerful system and 1st party. It HAS to look better. 2ndly Halo 3 was pretty 'meh' graphically for an HD game and the multiplayer was even moreso making it a pretty low standard bearer for HD for this comparison.

So yeah, Halo 3 looks a little better but Conduit stands up beside it pretty well. But considering multiplayer Halo 3 isn't that great graphically that's not saying much.


Lets wait and compare the two when the game is actually released. I cant knock the Conduit because I have not played it. Being a Wii60 owner I can have the luxury of owning both when released and will make a fair comparison at that time.

On a personal note, and this is just my opinion. I dont think the Conduit will come even close to Halo 3 quality wise. 94% Metacritic average, almost 10mil in sales, and the best multi-player in the business. I love my Wii too, but lets be realistic here people.....sheesh.

Don't take this video seriously ,because both game can't be compared with.

Compare TC with Metroid Prime 3 would be far more reasonable.

Anyone care to make one? :)