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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - *Play it on Wii* METROID Prime 2 Echoes

Would you be excited if Retro added online to prime 2?

i thought the multiplayer was meh.

now if its more like hunters i woould be all over it.



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Wow had never considered it... I don't think they'll do anything like that but that would be a great way to boost sales, polish the multiplayer and add online.

I'd be tempted to buy it then.. I'm gonna get Prime 1 as i haven't played that but I own Echoes so unless they add something like that then I won't bother with it


Nope, Metroid Prime was purely single-player expirence and I liked it that way. There're already enough online FPSs around. Though I don't mind if they add online functionality to MP2, but highly unlikely they'll do this.

No, but i would be happy if they removed the multiplayer-portion. Some games are meant to be singel-player only, Metroid is one of the together with Zelda and Resident Evil

OOOOHH!Thats a great idea!mp2 was not so good as mp1 but the multiplayer was a lot of action and fun.but this will be another lazy port.come on nintendo do something...

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I'd rather Retro created a new FPS with solid online than tack it onto a series that doesn't lend itself well to multiplayer gaming.

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Hadn't even heard of this yet. Sounds like it would be cool if I didn't already have the gamecube versions, and didn't already replay them before tackling MP3.

They'd have to be super cheap, and even then I'd probably pass.

I didnt even know MP2 was being remade for the Wii. I might just have to pick it up, as I hadn't beaten the game on GC (and lost the memory card!)

Viper1 said:
I'd rather Retro created a new FPS with solid online than tack it onto a series that doesn't lend itself well to multiplayer gaming.


I wouldn't.


I'd rather have Retro tacking on some decent (not necessarily very good) online to this, and then make something else than an FPS next gen.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

bardicverse said:
I didnt even know MP2 was being remade for the Wii. I might just have to pick it up, as I hadn't beaten the game on GC (and lost the memory card!)


Both GC Metrid Prime games are part of the Play on Wii series are are being handled directly by Retro.

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