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Forums - Sales Discussion - xbox 360 dead as a dodo

stof said: This is funny, I was thinking of starting a thread about how the 360 is really starting to pick up momentum. I don't know about the Europe numbers(which other people are debunking anyways), but despite horrifically smaller launch numbers in NA, the 360 overtook the xbox this december. It posted some good January numbers and will do so again in February. Partly because recent games like Gears of War, Lost Planet and Crackdown. Sure Japan is a waste land, but if you compare it to the Xbox, you'll see that it's sold a lot more software, and has been posting much higher weekly numbers for some time now, meaning that it will probably overtake the xbox in the next 2 or 3 months. So with an install base of 10 million, Mass Effect, Fable 2, Forza 2, Halo 3, GTA and many other system selling games on the way, increased sales over it's predecessor and it's major competetor more expensive and in less homes, I'm actually quite possitive about the box of X
I love seeing "games like Gears of War, Lost Planet, and Crackdown" because those are the same game to me. It'll be interesting when mass effect and fable 2 come out, but don't count GTA in a "system seller" for just the 360, of course. As for Halo 3...I wouldn't be too surprised if it didn't sell a LOT of systems because everyone that bought a 360 was just waiting for halo 3 to come out. We'll see

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Actually I was talking about Europe for the 360 compaired to the PS3 in America.


roadkillers said: Actually I was talking about Europe for the 360 compaired to the PS3 in America.
Actually, it won't be fair to compare the two markets since US is bigger than EU and 360isn't that popular in EU compared to the US. Note also that there isn't monthly sales numbers for EU so...

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roadkillers said: Actually I was talking about Europe for the 360 compaired to the PS3 in America.
That's a quite difficult question. There are no real sale statistics for europe. The only statiscs in some countries are simply predictions based on the internal statistics of bigger store chains of this country. But statistics for all of europe (however you define it) and even on a monthly time frame, impossible.

i dont know which one of you said the 360 is dominating the european market but in all fairness its not.. they are good but not great numbers.. playstation products have always dominated europe. whoever started this forum was tryin to say that the american market is the 360s really only stronghold



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Bonafide732 said: i dont know which one of you said the 360 is dominating the european market but in all fairness its not.. they are good but not great numbers.. playstation products have always dominated europe. whoever started this forum was tryin to say that the american market is the 360s really only stronghold
Yes but I think some people just wanted to point out that PS3 is a little bit more expensive in EU, and that in some countries Xbox360 is building up a fan base. So to say that Xbox360 is dead is a little bit stupid. Of course the same thing can be said about PS3.



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Bonafide732 said: i dont know which one of you said the 360 is dominating the european market but in all fairness its not.. they are good but not great numbers.. playstation products have always dominated europe.
You can't really predict who the biggest seller will be. Especially in the Next Gen Market. Most European households don't even own a HDTV. Add to it the bigger prices (400 Euro for a premium Xbox 360 was the standard) and the prvious dominance of the Playstation. but in fact especially since last christmas there was a shift.People who were determined to get the Playstation now have a Xbox 360. Another hit, the drop of hardware compability. And especially the price. 600 Euro for a console is insane, either you buy it as a bluray player or you won't buy it! The accepted price range for a console starts more or less between 250 and 200 Euro. The first console that breaks this border has a good chance to win the market. Don't forget, most games reach the european market via the US. Since the USA will be probably dominated by the Xbox 360 this plattforms has a very good chance to win especially due the higher likelihood of multi plattform games due to higher development costs and the easier portability, which would end the dominance of certain game genres on the Xbox.

windbane said: I love seeing "games like Gears of War, Lost Planet, and Crackdown" because those are the same game to me. It'll be interesting when mass effect and fable 2 come out, but don't count GTA in a "system seller" for just the 360, of course. As for Halo 3...I wouldn't be too surprised if it didn't sell a LOT of systems because everyone that bought a 360 was just waiting for halo 3 to come out. We'll see
I said games like Gears of War, Lost Planet and Crackdown because they're all fairly large releases that are selling some pretty good numbers(It's an assumption with Crackdown of course, but I'm sure it'll be a big game in Feb). Gears has already sold a hell of a lot and Lost planet was the number one game this January. As for whether they're the same, thats a debate for another thread. I said GTA because it will sell systems. Now whether it will sell more on the PS3 or 360 is debatable, but I'm predicting that it will sell better on the console with a higher sales base, a cheaper price and a biger selection of other games to back up that initial purchase. And yes, Halo 3 will sell a lot of systems, as it's undoubtably going to be the most anticipated game of this gen.

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Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

rendo said: Kwaad said: gotta rember PS3 sales are close to PS2 sales. (monthly) and Wii is just stupid crazy. I'd say the 360 has already lost. Because having similar sales to a previous console generation means it's going to repeat it's success/failure.
Actually the 360 is selling far better than the XB did in Japan and Europe, so sales are better.

Death2009 said: Actually the 360 is selling far better than the XB did in Japan and Europe, so sales are better.
Which is exactly my point, Kwaad stating that similar PS2 and PS3 sales figures doesn't automatically mean the PS3 will sell 110m+ consoles. Obviously the 360 is selling better than the original Xbox. Wasn't a shot against any console, was just stating something that should be common sense in MOST peoples case.