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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

TheDjib said:
Pristine20 said:
TheDjib said:

PS3 fanboys are the worst due to their multible threads a day about a single game and their general stupidity and loudness when they are involved in an a debate.

Wii fanboys aren't as vocal as PS3 fans, but they do protect Nintendo's honour with their life, completely ignoring some obvious faults. This is often accomplished by having double standerds and a quite annoying elitist attitude toward the other console fanboys and their "hardcore" games, as they like to say.

360 fanboys are in general the most level headed of the bunch, they won't hype a turd if it's exclusive to their console and generally only say fanboy bullshit to rile up the Sony fanboys.


Perhaps the ps3 fans created ALL THOSE THREADS to rile you up? How long have you even been on this site before you resorted to posting this gibberish. Way to call people stupid when your post about 360 fanboys is an attack against reasoning. If people are impressed from what they've seen in a game, they're more than welcome to share with others, chances are that those so called "annoying threads" were posted in the sony forums which you shouldn't have trolled in the first place so before you spout BS about others, check your extraordinary fanboy goggles at the door.

Man, I can't stand people who think they're better than others...


I never have trolled the PS3 forums as I only have a PS3. You can check my history if you want there is only 90 or so posts,and for the record, I have in fact been a member of this website longer than yourself.


Owning a ps3 doesn't give you a license to insult those who are passionate about the platform. The biggest complaint about ps3 fanboys so far on this thread is hype and I honestly don't see why thats a problem for anyone. If you don't like the game in question, avoid the's not rocket science. Calling annonymous posters on the internet "stupid and loud" is still not behavior I'd attribute to a well-mannered individual. $0.02 says you don't know any of these people. Perhaps, you should have checked your words before posting irregardless to how long you've been a member of the site.

The game that comes to mind behind all this is Killzone 2. I honestly wasn't even that interested in the game till Makingmusic476 posted his insight. So he basically hyped it and I don't know anyone on the site who'd call MM476 a "fanboy".

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Around the Network
Pristine20 said:
Sardauk said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Actually.. if PS3 fanboys and Wii fans annoy the 360 fanboys the most, and vice versa (x2).. .would it not be the case that a nonfanboy would find all 3 of them equally annoying?

So therefore, everyone who listed a particular fanboy is in turn a fanboy themselves.



Funny, I asked the same question when I joined the forum...



...and 360 fanboys are just perfect! Did I complete your commentary? Crap articles about their messiah huh? If you ask me: 1. What are you doing trolling the sony forums since you despise it's users?

2. The majority of articles posted on this site as of chrstmas season and beyond has been negative. Most of them, we have to thank 360 and wii fans for.

3. So you complain about pictures sigs too now huh? I also see sigs around here with people showing that nothing can "save" the ps3 and similar content..but those must not be a problem right? Seems to me that you just want a reason to despise. What a joke...

1. No I don't despite it's users, I'm an ex blinded Sony fanatics. I'm jsut an anti-Sony fanboys which is not the same.

2. That is because the media are negative about Sony at the moment right ? This forum is about VG sales and Sony is not good at it at the moment.

3. Same remarks for others I agree. But when it comes to shitty signatures full of propaganda sh*t, PS3 fanboys are the masters. You don't see a lot of 360 fanboys with a huge signature displaying their next game jewel...

Those signatures are f*cking childish anyway...



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Pristine20 said:
TheDjib said:
Pristine20 said:
TheDjib said:

PS3 fanboys are the worst due to their multible threads a day about a single game and their general stupidity and loudness when they are involved in an a debate.

Wii fanboys aren't as vocal as PS3 fans, but they do protect Nintendo's honour with their life, completely ignoring some obvious faults. This is often accomplished by having double standerds and a quite annoying elitist attitude toward the other console fanboys and their "hardcore" games, as they like to say.

360 fanboys are in general the most level headed of the bunch, they won't hype a turd if it's exclusive to their console and generally only say fanboy bullshit to rile up the Sony fanboys.


Perhaps the ps3 fans created ALL THOSE THREADS to rile you up? How long have you even been on this site before you resorted to posting this gibberish. Way to call people stupid when your post about 360 fanboys is an attack against reasoning. If people are impressed from what they've seen in a game, they're more than welcome to share with others, chances are that those so called "annoying threads" were posted in the sony forums which you shouldn't have trolled in the first place so before you spout BS about others, check your extraordinary fanboy goggles at the door.

Man, I can't stand people who think they're better than others...


I never have trolled the PS3 forums as I only have a PS3. You can check my history if you want there is only 90 or so posts,and for the record, I have in fact been a member of this website longer than yourself.


Owning a ps3 doesn't give you a license to insult those who are passionate about the platform. The biggest complaint about ps3 fanboys so far on this thread is hype and I honestly don't see why thats a problem for anyone. If you don't like the game in question, avoid the's not rocket science. Calling annonymous posters on the internet "stupid and loud" is still not behavior I'd attribute to a well-mannered individual. $0.02 says you don't know any of these people. Perhaps, you should have checked your words before posting irregardless to how long you've been a member of the site.

The game that comes to mind behind all this is Killzone 2. I honestly wasn't even that interested in the game till Makingmusic476 posted his insight. So he basically hyped it and I don't know anyone on the site who'd call MM476 a "fanboy".

I pretty much agree with this sentiment.  I don't care the system, i actually LIKE threads hyping a game.  That's why I come to the forums, to get excited about games.  That's why I have a game system.  I don't really understand why this annoys people.  I guess I can see it from a "Too much" perspective, but if you're tired of seeing threads about K2 or Halo 3 or Mario Galaxy, then don't read those threads.  I actually wish more games were hyped like this.  I want to hear more about games!  Please, hype up Alan Wake!  I don't know much about it, and I love it when I find a tiny little fact about a game I didn't know before! 

I'm not saying Sony fanboys are blameless, in fact I'd say the Wii fanboys annoy me by far the least, and I haven't turned my Wii on in 8 months.  The threads that annoy me the most are the negative ones.  Why do people do this?  Are they into gaming to play great games, talk about great games, get excited about great games?  Or are the in it to hate on a console?  It brings joy to them to bash Sony?  Um...ok.  Keep posting your "Sony is going under" threads.  I'll just keep reading the threads about games and people's excitement for them. 

There really should be a seperate forum for company/system bashing. 


Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

This Fanboy Really knows how to make someone laught.

Wii fanboys are the worst hands down. They jizz their pants every time there's a half decent 3rd party game on the platform. EX: "I hate JRPGs, but I can't wait for Fragile!!!111".

Quiet Storm = Best Gatorade flavor EVER.

Around the Network
RoflPiggy said:

This Fanboy Really knows how to make someone laught.

What a moron, I find black people calling other black people the N word utterly hypocritical and pathetic.



I don't know if this happens on the PS360 side, but Nintendo forums have a lot of self-hating Nintendo fans, who say they grew up with Nintendo and that it's #1, but always bash the Wii. It's kinda funny.

Fanboyism generally though is based on feeling threatened.  This is why you see people bashing games like Killzone 2 so heavily (becoz it looks better than most 360 games graphically) and why the same will happen to God Of Ware III.  Even before Gears of War 2 came out, public reviews on metacritic gave the game like, a 2 out of 10 or some nonsense like that becoz of the Sony pre-emptive strike.  Super Smash Bros. gets reviews of either a near-perfect "10" or an abysmal "0!".   Resident Evil 5 is pretty much the EXACT SAME game on the PS3 and 360, yet there are already numerous articles asking which is better (especially graphically) and that is just ridiculous.  Videogame journalists...YOU"RE NOT HELPING!!!. 

I figure this time around Nintendo fans might not be as bad coz they consider themselves as "winning" right now. PS3 is dead last and trying to make up ground on 2nd place to they attack XBOX.  And Microsoft is stuck in the middle, wanting to beat Nintendo but at the same time trying to keep Sony down. I think that's why I see most hate from 360'ers on the Wii side. Sony doesn't care enough to bash Nintendo at this point coz what's the use?  If they frog-jump over Microsoft to make it to second place, they'll then change their target to include Nintendo also.

It's obviously PS3 fanboys because of the situation of the console.

It's like the person on the basketball court who trashtalks despite having no shot and getting blown past on defense on every play.

Completly unjustified arrogance is just the worst.

They're all equally as bad... it's just PS3 has the least reason to be so bad.

Sardauk said:
Pristine20 said:
Sardauk said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Actually.. if PS3 fanboys and Wii fans annoy the 360 fanboys the most, and vice versa (x2).. .would it not be the case that a nonfanboy would find all 3 of them equally annoying?

So therefore, everyone who listed a particular fanboy is in turn a fanboy themselves.



Funny, I asked the same question when I joined the forum...



...and 360 fanboys are just perfect! Did I complete your commentary? Crap articles about their messiah huh? If you ask me: 1. What are you doing trolling the sony forums since you despise it's users?

2. The majority of articles posted on this site as of chrstmas season and beyond has been negative. Most of them, we have to thank 360 and wii fans for.

3. So you complain about pictures sigs too now huh? I also see sigs around here with people showing that nothing can "save" the ps3 and similar content..but those must not be a problem right? Seems to me that you just want a reason to despise. What a joke...

1. No I don't despite it's users, I'm an ex blinded Sony fanatics. I'm jsut an anti-Sony fanboys which is not the same.

2. That is because the media are negative about Sony at the moment right ? This forum is about VG sales and Sony is not good at it at the moment.

3. Same remarks for others I agree. But when it comes to shitty signatures full of propaganda sh*t, PS3 fanboys are the masters. You don't see a lot of 360 fanboys with a huge signature displaying their next game jewel...

Those signatures are f*cking childish anyway...


And exactly why is a signature with Killzone 2 gifs a problem for anybody? Someone likes a game, leave 'em be.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
Sardauk said:
Pristine20 said:
Sardauk said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Actually.. if PS3 fanboys and Wii fans annoy the 360 fanboys the most, and vice versa (x2).. .would it not be the case that a nonfanboy would find all 3 of them equally annoying?

So therefore, everyone who listed a particular fanboy is in turn a fanboy themselves.



Funny, I asked the same question when I joined the forum...



...and 360 fanboys are just perfect! Did I complete your commentary? Crap articles about their messiah huh? If you ask me: 1. What are you doing trolling the sony forums since you despise it's users?

2. The majority of articles posted on this site as of chrstmas season and beyond has been negative. Most of them, we have to thank 360 and wii fans for.

3. So you complain about pictures sigs too now huh? I also see sigs around here with people showing that nothing can "save" the ps3 and similar content..but those must not be a problem right? Seems to me that you just want a reason to despise. What a joke...

1. No I don't despite it's users, I'm an ex blinded Sony fanatics. I'm jsut an anti-Sony fanboys which is not the same.

2. That is because the media are negative about Sony at the moment right ? This forum is about VG sales and Sony is not good at it at the moment.

3. Same remarks for others I agree. But when it comes to shitty signatures full of propaganda sh*t, PS3 fanboys are the masters. You don't see a lot of 360 fanboys with a huge signature displaying their next game jewel...

Those signatures are f*cking childish anyway...


And exactly why is a signature with Killzone 2 gifs a problem for anybody? Someone likes a game, leave 'em be.




He can't leave them be. He is Sony hater and 360 fanboy