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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Blacksaber said:
I feel alone being a Sega Fanboy...>_>

It just sucks to be you... Viva la Dreamcast.

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Blacksaber said:
I feel alone being a Sega Fanboy...>_>

Your not the only one. Sega Genesis was my favorite console of all time. To bad it was taken down by the Sega CD//32X or whatever that piece of trash was. Then the Saturn, which was a somewhat good console but was released way to darn soon. The Dreamcast is also the best Sega console ever, to bad Sega had to pull the plug on that one. 

Speaking of which I should go on find me a Dreamcast to have in my collection.

wii fanboys. before monster hunter 3 on wii, it will be an ok game. after- greatest game ever. same with final fantasy going multiplat and other lost ps3 exclusives. they also get too cocky saying that wii is the best system ever when it doesnt even have a fourth of the amount of AAA games ps2 had.

but still some ps3 fanboys keep acting like they would die for sony and MS fanboys a lot of times seem like they dont know what their talking about.





PS3 fanboys aren't used to being on the losing team
360 fanboys don't like being in second place
Wii fanboys are so excruciatingly pro-Nintendo they'll slit your throat if you bad-mouth Mario

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

no matter what, the fanboys of the console shouldn't stop you from purchasing the console. whether wii, ps3, or 360- if some people are ignorant fanboys, then just ignore them.





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worst: Sony fanboys
worst runner up: MS fanboys

best: Nintendo fanboys

Sony fanboys are sort of like Sony: arrogant and full of themselves, they are also the ones who keep saying RROD even though it affects pre-falcon consoles almost 2 years ago, and they keep using "M$" in a sentence. They also tend to be like Sony, overhyping some overrated games and 100% agreeing all of Sony's promises and potential.

MS fanboys are not exactly like Sony fanboys, but they enjoy the failure of Sony and they also tend to generalize PS3's lack of success (no games, and too expensive).

Nintendo fanboys seem to be the most quiet bunch. They don't blabla too much on the forum and enjoy the success of Wii and DS. (that means they don't have much to complain)

I hate all fanboys, even fanboys with all 3 consoles.

PS3 and 360 fanboys are just ignoring Wii fanboys. Because they think Wii is not true gaming machine. They just want to bash each other.

eh they both have their moments.

It used to be 360 fanboys for me but now its definatley PS3 ones. I am so tired of seeing every single game ever to be released on the system being hailed as the second coming of Christ and the power of teh cell. And the worst part is now they are becoming all sappy and depressed or whatever and claiming everyone is biased.

Though the 360 fanboys on Gametrailers are some of the dumbest people I've ever seen.

PS3 fanboys, they take every negative comment as an attack on PS3. They feel as if they are part of an exclusive group that people are jealous of. They feel every game that is exclusive to their system must receive a 95% or above or it is a fake/anti-PS bias review. They are the majority of this site so they are more prevalent and thus more annoying.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling