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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

seece said:
bonkers555 said:
PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.


You will get flamed for that, but I can totally relate.

I am going to buy a PS3 and lots of games for it one day, but some days I feel I don't and won't in spite of Sony fanboys ....


That is terrible logic.

The only person who loses there is you, not Sony and not the Fanboys. The money Sony would make off you is minimal in the grand scheme and what do a bunch of fanboys on the internet care if you don't buy a PS3 and/or PS3 games?

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Stats87 said:
seece said:
bonkers555 said:
PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.


You will get flamed for that, but I can totally relate.

I am going to buy a PS3 and lots of games for it one day, but some days I feel I don't and won't in spite of Sony fanboys ....


That is terrible logic.

The only person who loses there is you, not Sony and not the Fanboys. The money Sony would make off you is minimal in the grand scheme and what do a bunch of fanboys on the internet care if you don't buy a PS3 and/or PS3 games?

Well please don't ignore bolded.



Stats87 said:
seece said:
bonkers555 said:
PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.


You will get flamed for that, but I can totally relate.

I am going to buy a PS3 and lots of games for it one day, but some days I feel I don't and won't in spite of Sony fanboys ....


That is terrible logic.

The only person who loses there is you, not Sony and not the Fanboys. The money Sony would make off you is minimal in the grand scheme and what do a bunch of fanboys on the internet care if you don't buy a PS3 and/or PS3 games?

Since they masturbate over the sales figures every week then I guess they do (On this site anyway)



seece said:
Stats87 said:
seece said:
bonkers555 said:
PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.


You will get flamed for that, but I can totally relate.

I am going to buy a PS3 and lots of games for it one day, but some days I feel I don't and won't in spite of Sony fanboys ....


That is terrible logic.

The only person who loses there is you, not Sony and not the Fanboys. The money Sony would make off you is minimal in the grand scheme and what do a bunch of fanboys on the internet care if you don't buy a PS3 and/or PS3 games?

Well please don't ignore bolded.


I saw it, but still doesn't change the fact you said "some days I feel...". Then there is the guy above you that didn't buy LBP to spite PS3 fanboys...right.


I believe PS3 and Wii fanboys are the worst.

What I hate is the fact that Wii fanboys want every single successful PS3 or Xbox 360 game to be ported to the Wii. The PS3 fanboys just hype certain games and they turn out to be a failure due to sales.

I for one am not a fanboy. I own all three current generation consoles//last generation consoles and both handhelds. I prefer the 360 since it has a more direct connection with my friends (Xbox Live) and the achievements //its games is enough to say its my favorite but I will put Wii fanboys the worst.

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xbox - are the most violent.

any chance they have they run to kick any sony thing down, are overly positive about RROD.

wii - they get their noses into everything even they are not called, but when other brand fanboy does something similar they are quick to whine.

also their believe that every third party will summit to the nintendomination.

ps - they easily overreact, sometimes games like lair, demon soul are not worth the hype. but its the ones that have been the nicest to me actually.

all fanboys are bad. No matter if they are pro 360, PS3 or Wii.

Fanboys can't look beyond their console to conclude what's good on the competition. They have tunnel-vision on whats PRO on their console and that's that.

I mean what about those Atari 5200 fanboys, they are always harping on about what could have been  But seriously I think both sides can be as bad as each other, I own a PS3 and a Wii (and technically a 360 too) and it appears there is quite a lot of bullshit coming from both sides!

PSN: Gippon

Gippon said:

I mean what about those Atari 5200 fanboys, they are always harping on about what could have been  But seriously I think both sides can be as bad as each other, I own a PS3 and a Wii (and technically a 360 too) and it appears there is quite a lot of bullshit coming from both sides!

The Minbari say there are three sides to every story, they also say that three is sacred. They must have known something eh?



I feel alone being a Sega Fanboy...>_>

Former something....