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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resident Evil 5 dev: PS3 is not hard to develop for

V-r0cK said:

Agreed. Didnt valve complain with the Orange Box?..tsk tsk weak.


Valve didn't make the PS3 version of the Orange Box, it was an EA internal dev.


Gabe Newell from Valve just said that the PS3 was a waste of time.


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It's down to your toolset as he pointed out. If the game toolset/engine is heavily optimized for PC it will go okay to PC but struggle with PS3 without additional overhead - this was the problem with the Orange Box, for example. The Source engine (no relation I'm sure) was built for PC and moved easily enough to 360 but struggled on PS3.

Unreal games are the same although I think recently this has improved a lot. But the engine was initially built for PC only which gave PS3 development issues.

Here we have generic tools on PC designed to support multiplatform - a big difference. If ID are correct then they too have a good set of true multiplatform tools.

While they're not identical the PC/360 are close enough to allow easy ports/toolsets. The PS3 is different enough you either need to put in extra effort, use true multi-platform tools or develop specifically for it.

At least... that's what I read on the internet. So it must be true.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Asmo said:
V-r0cK said:

Agreed. Didnt valve complain with the Orange Box?..tsk tsk weak.


Valve didn't make the PS3 version of the Orange Box, it was an EA internal dev.


Gabe Newell from Valve just said that the PS3 was a waste of time.



Does that mean that Valve was just lazy from the get-go and didnt even bother trying? lol

Thank goodness. I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I had worrying about how hard the PS3 was to develop for!

Seriously, though, development challenge is often used to try and determine how likely it will be for a system to get third party support, but at the end of the day, publishers choose based on where they think a game will sell. If anything the big problem in development currently is not the programming challenges but the sheer amount of resources required for a large-scale game.

colonelstubbs said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
colonelstubbs said:
Im sure there was a preview or something where the PS3 version was slammed as being inferior...some guy or mag called kotaku or something?

Sounds like he was stretching things


wasn't that article from some retard playing 2 different builds of the game, the PS3 being an earlier build while the 360 being the more recent one?


I dont think so, but wow, thats pretty bad. Some people are obviously too stupid to notice the simplest things

Yes it was.

In the Kotaku article, the person wrote that the PS3 version looked inferior. Near the end of the article, it was clarified that what was shown on the PS3 was an older build and when the more recent build was played, it looked just like the 360 version.

Gametrailers did a comparison video with both consoles and they both look pretty much the same.


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colonelstubbs said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
colonelstubbs said:
Im sure there was a preview or something where the PS3 version was slammed as being inferior...some guy or mag called kotaku or something?

Sounds like he was stretching things


wasn't that article from some retard playing 2 different builds of the game, the PS3 being an earlier build while the 360 being the more recent one?


 I dont think so, but wow, thats pretty bad. Some people are obviously too stupid to notice the simplest things

Some devs are simply not lazy unlike others *cough*valve*cough*



V-r0cK said:

Does that mean that Valve was just lazy from the get-go and didnt even bother trying? lol



RE5's engine was developed for the next-gen consoles? So there is a Wii version coming!

he got his ass kicked in high school though, now hes all tough and shit

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Asmo said:
V-r0cK said:

Agreed. Didnt valve complain with the Orange Box?..tsk tsk weak.


Valve didn't make the PS3 version of the Orange Box, it was an EA internal dev.


Gabe Newell from Valve just said that the PS3 was a waste of time.


Gabe Newell also complained about the 360 being to hard to develop for when it came out.  He is fine with it now.

It takes a while for developers to become comfortable with a new hardware architecture, especially one as different as the Cell.  Once the learning curve is done, developers are fine with it.