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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My Reason for the Push of Graphics

Pyro as Bill said:
soulsamurai said:
Pyro as Bill said:
You can't blame the Wii for not pushing graphics you need to blame yourself and your fellow gamer.

If you want to get to Avalon as soon as possible you need to be buying the lastest offerings from Nvidia and ATI everytime a new model graphics card is released. You need to make sure you and your fellow gamers are purchasing the latest software from developers like Crytek and not pirating.

If everyone who bought a 360 or PS3 would be willing to buy 2-4 graphics cards every 6 months I'm sure you'll reach Avalon in no time. You could just skip buying graphics cards and give all your money to Nvidia instead.

Sorry I can't help, I'll probably be in the mushroom kingdom.


Haha read this i havn't updated in a few weeks but here. ;)

Maybe you should forget about building a PC and use that money as a donation to Nvidia instead. Or sell Wiis on Ebay at Christmas and give the profits to Nvidia. That way the Wii will probably help more than any other console to get to Avalon. Oh the irony.


How is that ironic? Buying a wii proves you can do a minimilist effort in a developers world and donating massive amount of money is not going to get us there faster overnight. If developers don't have a reason to push there skills there is going to be no reason for a better CPU. I would still prefer to have actual fun while I wait in exchange for entertainment.

You obviously got your dick broke over the highlited text which is why it was darkened out so I wouldn't have to hear wii fans bitch. I don't want a damn flame war as you're making it. Go have fun in the mushroom kingdom if you like, I would just prefer it in a simulated world.


CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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Dude, my dick's fine, I'm just puzzled as to why the Wii gets singled out. Surely all the consoles, handhelds and any PCs not using the latest tech are hurting Utopia or Avalon or whatever it's called.

I think the Wii is actually helping what you want to happen.

Wii->more gamers->more money to developers->better tech->better graphics.

Just think how much money ATI is raking in from Wii sales. More than the PS3 I'm guessing.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

I see where you're going with that. that is more logical money based considering the graphics cards in them. However many of the people buying wii are older people who just want a bowling or golfing game. I'm not saying that's everyone but there's a lot. Just like many who bought ps3 for blu-ray. However the hardware requirements don't push games hard. Basicly I' am agreeing with you money wise just not "push" wise.
Not everyone can afford Crysis graphics, and consoles represent the affordable level of attainable graphics. At least they use to. Many people wait for the second best thing as prices drop, while some absolutely must have the bests.

At Least now we're coming closer to a understanding.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2