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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony: Shoddy machines won't grow the market

Playstation & PS2 were reliable machines also. My Playstation & PS2 worked fine, all the time I owned it. I still have my playstation. I sold my PS2 in perfect working order before getting a 60Gb PS3 at UK launch.

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@marty8370: PS1 and PS2 were the least reliable amongst all the consoles in their respective gens.

Well the PS2 was pretty shoddy and man did it grow the market. Maybe that is what it takes haha.

Nah but seriously he does have a point but its not warranted.

Well, he's right. I've never had issues with any Playstation product I own. My Nintendo machines have never failed either.

There are so many comment about the PS2. Whenever people talk about PS2 being a bad piece of hardware I think is really talking out of their arse. There are loads of PS2s and a small failure rate.

My Playstation 2 was launch in UK machine and never broke. I had it 7 years, nothing ever wrong with it.

Hmm, pie.

The ps2 was fairly unreliable if we look at overall failure rates, etc. instead of relying on anecdotal evidence, I.e - "I had 2 ps2s and they never broke so ps2s must be reliable machines."

Does anyone have failure-rate stats handy from ps2 law suits so we can put this silly argument to rest?

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TheTruthHurts! said:
I really like Nintendo's approach this Gen, (keep our mouths shut and let sales do the talking). I get really tired of all the MS/Sony back and forth............


it's not like nintendo was nice before, they were worse than sony and microsoft in the nintendo/snes times.

zleep said:
@marty8370: PS1 and PS2 were the least reliable amongst all the consoles in their respective gens.


if you forget the existence of the xbox, thats burned houses, killed a baby with it fire starter power supply :/

ps2 problems only affected consoles launched first year, and it was easily fixed. clean the lens.

same problem the wii had with brawl.


not a dead console like 360-

This just in... the PS1 and PS2 didn't grow the industry.

badgenome said:
soulsamurai said:
can there not be a nice thing said? He's giving good comments, and yet everyones like OMG sony hate blah blah, he's such an ass knocking on the 360. He has given good comments to all systems and pointed out some cons.

360 - Great online however high failure rate
wii - brought lots of people in the market ( while im not sure the demographic is what i would like games to come from)

It's just that he's perpetually wrong. The PS1 and PS2 had tons of hardware trouble, but they definitely helped to expand the market. The PS3, while more reliable, seems to be massively overengineered, and such a machine has never expanded the market. This is just the latest example from the Great Gaffesby, because you can go through the archives and see the claims he's made about some sort of PS3 exclusive something or other for Mirror's Edge (turned out to be one time trial level, apparently), outselling Xbox 360 in Europe (perhaps a week later, we could see that they absolutely have not done so), and of course, that games don't matter since people will buy the Playstation because of its brand (lollerskates).

But, okay, he was rather charitable to the Wii. He should be, since Nintendo is kicking everyone's ASS.

Great Gaffesby... that's a good one.


So the next Sony product I buy won't be a cheap over priced peace of crap? After having 2 Trinitron monitors, a TV, CD player, multiple headphones and computer from Sony that all died well before time I've never placed much faith in Sony definition of Quality.

yes because that "shoddy" psp i got really helped