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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I finally bought Gears of War 2.

Oh man there are plantable shields in this game?

Holy shit I need to get back into campaign mode

After them making the Hammerburst so much more awesome and killing the rev-up lag on the Lancer and making the Boomshot more effective, I want to see how much better they've made stuff like the Hammer of Dawn

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To plant a shield, just hold the left trigger and then press A.

rocketpig said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Alright, sounds like a plan.

Rocketpig, Horde is basically where wave after wave of Locust come after you and try to kill you. It goes on for 50 waves and each wave is progressively more difficult. Most of the time, I can't get past the 10th wave because Boomers and Grinders come out by about the 5th-6th wave and all the noobs die IMMEDIATELY. Yeah, I know I sound like I'm on a constant rant. That's how I know I love this game.

Hardcore is the only good difficulty, since Insane is frustrating and Normal is just boring.

Uh, you realize that I'm going to be mostly ineffective and that I'll end up killing massive amounts of teammates, right?

I'll give it a go but you have to promise that you won't get pissed when I keep laughing instead of firing.


You can't kill your teammates (as far as I know) and all you really have to do for a good while is be good with the shotgun. That, and being good at ducking and rolling.

I'd play something but I'm busy talking to a friend.




Actually you can kill your teammates pretty easily with grenades. I like to plant grenades to cover the flank and sometimes noobs don't realize they explode when the enemy charges.

You can't accidentally kill teammates? Ah shit, I forgot. Now they have this "X" over the crosshairs.


That's half the fun... Sacrificing a member for the greater good of the squad.

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Damn, I love this thread so much.



I won't be satisfied unless Gears 3 lets you play as Cole

And do his bitchin' football moves

Well I invited Rocketpig but I decided to ditch that idea and play Elimination instead. Wait 'till tomorrow I say.



Well damn, I don't have Gears of War 2 yet. I agreed to avoid buying anything for myself until after Christmas ::grumble grumble::

Well, when I do get it, you guys will have to add me in the drinking GeoW2 fest.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Drunken Gears of War 2 Fests are some of the most fun you can have gaming