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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

In the end of this gen will have sold 4-6mln LTD, With a installed base of 55-75mln PS3, mark my words.





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nah man, selling over a 1 million copies of a game is a flop these days, didn't you know? o.0

The problem is, fanboys spent a good three months ending every post with "LBP will be HUGE!" regardless of the topic of the thread. That level of hype and it's selling as well as Wii Music, the WARST GAME EVAR, DESTROYS THE GAMES INDUSTRI!, and you get what a lot of people consider to be shitty sales.

Oh, and @Jake_the_fake1: Yeah. A million is a failure these days. A big budget first party release for an HD console might make it's money back on 2 mill, but with the constant advertisement, I think Sony's looking at upwards of 2.5 million before they start seeing a decent return on investment.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

Showertea said:
The problem is, fanboys spent a good three months ending every post with "LBP will be HUGE!" regardless of the topic of the thread. That level of hype and it's selling as well as Wii Music, the WARST GAME EVAR, DESTROYS THE GAMES INDUSTRI!, and you get what a lot of people consider to be shitty sales.

Oh, and @Jake_the_fake1: Yeah. A million is a failure these days. A big budget first party release for an HD console might make it's money back on 2 mill, but with the constant advertisement, I think Sony's looking at upwards of 2.5 million before they start seeing a decent return on investment.


but LBP IS HUGE, it delivered all promises, and puts a smile over my face everytime i play it.

btw: media molecula is a small dev team, but a very talented one, budget was return way ago.

Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

I think some people will see every PS3 game as a flop.  There are always reasons why they will discount million sellers:

1)  It was a Sony franchise that sold less on the Sony console.  (GTA4)
2)  It sold less than the sale game on 360. (COD4, AC)
3)  It sold less then the 360 equivalent.  (R2 compared to Gears2)
4)  It sold less than hyped.  (LBP)
5)  It only sold because it was bundled or a launch title.  (Motorstorm, Resistance, LBP)
6)  It was a demo, and should not count. (GT5p)

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I'm still waiting for a reply neoraf...surely you can make another ill-conceived comment that I can dismantle.

Someone's waiting for me? I hope you're a girl... (I don't like boys).

The facts:
LBP didn't sell well according to the Hype and the advertising from Sony.
The bundle boosted LBP european Sales.
LBP bombed in Japan.
I'm waiting the american holiday figures to see if LBP has legs.

Any way you put it, LBP isn't HUGE, isn't the System Seller praised to be.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.


My Gaming Setup

Neoraf said:

Someone's waiting for me? I hope you're a girl... (I don't like boys).

The facts:
LBP didn't sell well according to the Hype and the advertising from Sony.
The bundle boosted LBP european Sales.
LBP bombed in Japan.
I'm waiting the american holiday figures to see if LBP has legs.

Any way you put it, LBP isn't HUGE, isn't the System Seller praised to be.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

I'll admit it, I like the challenge of deconstructing inane and unsubstantiated comments, and yours fit the bill quite nicely :)

You initially attributed the success of LBP sales to bundled deals and then proceeded to use that as a base to say that LBP sales are nothing to be proud of. I pointed out that your comments were based on the asummption that you could only buy a PS3 if it was bundled in with LBP. That is not the case in England, Japan and more than likely many other countries. Thus, you cannot render LBP sales in a negatve light by assuming a significant proportion of its sales are due to bundled deals.

Also, 1.23 million in 7 weeks is hardly anything to scoff at regardless of the hype preceeding the game. The fact that it hasn't been a huge system seller may not be its own fault but rather the steep pricing of the PS3.

It could have sold a lot well if Sony has reduced the console price..

it sold amazingly well for a new ip

but for LBP it didn't sell well

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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