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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Seriously, if Killer Instict 3 is indeed real, how well will it sell?

I am a huge Fighting Fan and KI has always been one of my favorite fighting game along with SF.

No doubt SF4 will set the world on fire this Feb and bring the Fighting Genre back to be a premier Genre once again. If Killer Instinct were to be release as part of Microsoft Fall lineup, how well can it sell? Also, how did it preformed when it was released back in the N64 days?

I will no doubt be the first person in line for this game but we haven't have a new KI in ages.

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I will definitely check it out.

The last time i played killer instinct i think it was on the snes if not then n64. Anyway all i have to say is it has been years and years since its release and even though most rabbid hardcore gamers will tell you really well, most people probs wont even remember it.

So really it will be like a brand new franchise again really. A little bit like what has happened with golden axe, its kind of hard to explain but you know what i mean

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

It's target audience is going to be the informed gamer and the "tried it at a friend's house" gamer. So basically it needs good review scores to capture the former audience and then needs to have great local multiplayer so it gets played during gatherings and parties to capture the latter audience. With some good marketing I think it could squeeze 1.5 million.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

depends how good the game is. Fanbase is there but if it gets crap reviews I dont see it selling more than 300-500K WW.

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Well the game had a huge fan base back in the day with the arcade. I suppose some of those same people would buy it.

Not nearly as much as it would inevitably deserve, I am sure.

Not too well. They could easily ruin that series. (UE3,Character design, etc) Best sells it could get would be 1.5 at best! Id say 500k.
Its been too long. The retro core gamer will buy it. The person who started with N64 or PS2 will not.

I always preferred killer instinct over tekken and other fighting check it out fo' sure

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

A game that hasn't had a new iteration since 1996 in a genre that has seriously declined on a console that has never hosted the franchise.....AND it's made by Rare? I'd buy it, but not too many would recognize the pedigree.