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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony to go 3D starting 2009!

The Wii has flick your wrist, but now the PS3 is going to have its own unique selling point. I hope it helps because I think I would prefer seeing Lara Croft, Nariko, the Girl from BeastRider in 3d to using a Wiimote.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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Expect to see the graphics take a substantial hit when they move to 3D. Why? Because they will have to render 2 camera angles every frame.

It will only be the render engine that does double duty though so it won't be 50% slowdown, however.

But I do think if any one does it, Sony is in the best position to try it:

1.) The PS3 is vastly a single player console
2.) It has the most power, and the best architecture to run 2 simultaneous rendrer streams
3.) Being the 3rd place console, it needs to try something new to boost sales.

Will it help? I doubt it. I don't think many developers will throw too much support behind the tech till its proven, if its proven.

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Those 3D glasses give me a headache.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

hummmm......... interesting (rubbing my chin evil like). I see this maybe going somewhere. wait a min. I know some one else who tried to dedicate a red system to this idea.... who was that ... nintendo.

Richard Chung, Zalman Product Manager, Game Developers Conference

LCD panels have quickly taken CRT’s place, but LCD monitors don’t have a high enough refresh rate to update the screen and switch between two unique images fast enough. A popular way around this problem is to cut the vertical resolution in half with 50% of the lines devoted to your left eye, and 50% devoted to your right. A polarizing filter is then placed in front of the LCD panel to differentiate the left and right eyed resolution lines, and the viewer’s polarized glasses combine the images for a stereoscopic 3D result.

High resolution is critical in 2D, but it isn’t as important for stereoscopic 3D. Resolution is always a plus, but in S-3D, a sharp interlaced image is very rewarding. Ghosting refers to cross-talk between the eyes, or an inability for each glasses lens to completely block out the image from the opposite eye. Current interlaced 3D monitors and HDTV solutions have the advantage of displaying very little ghosting.

Another benefit is the light levels are very high compared to other solutions because the glasses and/or screen is not flickering between images or blocking the eyes in any way – with the exception of the slightly darkened polarized glasses.

A challenge with interlaced 3D solutions is while graphics tend to look very good, small text can become difficult if not impossible to read. The problem is that half the vertical resolution interferes with the fine details lettering requires. The low ghosting functionality also requires sitting in a fixed vertical position. If the viewer tilts forward or backwards a few degrees, ghosting becomes very visible. Finally, this technology is resolution specific. If your game requires a reduction in resolution to maintain performance, the image can’t be scaled to a larger size - and you will need to use a fraction of the screen space to get your games to work.

In the case of larger sized monitors and HDTV solutions, the impact of these trade-offs are greatly reduced.

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If making a game in 3d increases development cost as I assume it must don't expect to get many 3d games. Only the very biggest names who think they can further increase sales with it enough to justify cost or 1st party games are likely to use it. Otherwise why go through the added expense for a game on a system with the lowest installed base? The industry is losing enough money as it is.


Actually nvidia has already drivers for stereoscopic 3D too. I think those work quite much with every game that uses dx or opengl. The thing is you need to render picture '2 times' instead of once and you can do it just overloading some rendering functions.

Example... (Looks quite nice through glasses.)

Wow I never thought Sony would be the one to retreat upstream. I hope this is a rumor cause I don't see this making doing anything but making the PS3 a niche console, and thats the last thing they need.

...Plus like someone said before Nintendo tried this ages ago and it failed for lack of support. Support is the key thing in all of this.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Good luck to them for this approach.. i'd be very interested if it somehow kicks off full steam, I doubt it could though, being mid-gen and all

As long as it doesnt increase prices of games, and the peripherals arent too expensive, it shouldnt be too much of a problem to gamers

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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