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Forums - General Discussion - The facial hair thread. (growth, shaving, etc discussion)

I started this thread since I decided to take a vacation from myself during my unemployment by letting my facial hair grow out between times I have to go out into polite society (by that I don't mean just going out to shop or what have you). Anyways, it has been 2 weeks since my last shave and yet, despite being closer to 30 than to 25, my beard coverage is sporatic and pathetic to say the least. It is unpresentable really, which is a shame I suppose. Anyways, can you grow a manly beard? How long does it take you to grow something respectable? Do you see your ability to grow massive amounts or your lack thereof as a positive or a negative? On a side note: What's the point of an electric shaver? They seem to take forever in TV spots and not give as close a shave.

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Just want to say, that I love my sideburns. For they are the source of my power.

Well dogs, i've never had a problem growing facial hair for the most part (I started growing sideburns in six grade) But I have to shave often, because it only takes 3 days for me to grow it back. I have a goatee, and I do my best to keep it from growing too much.


My beard is drawn on with crayons.

In all seriousness...

My hair is just too rough and curly for electric shavers. My brother likes them, because they do not cause bumps.

I trim my beard with a cheap Norelco beard trimmer, and edge it with a Mach3 but I am getting a single straight razor for it for Chanukah (my old one broke - angry ex girlfriend)... Generally you work a lot of cream into a lather on to the wet hair. Let it set for 2-3 minutes. Shave in even, single strokes trying to keep the blade at the same angle. Rinse the blade and your face with cold water to prevent bumps and irritation. The Mach3 does cause more bumps because the multiple blades but is easier and safer for most men (because when a single blade cuts you, it really cuts you).

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

How much facial hair you get depends greatly on your heritage. Those with native american or asian ancestry tend to grow the least.

And if you ask me, the less is better because then you don't have to shave obsessively and most chicks find full beards gross.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

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I can't grow a full beard yet, I have some small gaps. But I still have to shave every couple days. If I could grow it completely then I wouldn't shave as often just because I'm lazy.

What does it matter what "most girls want"?

Guys, do what makes you comfortable. You only need one girl to like you at any given time and they will like you better for being yourself and being comfortable in your skin.

Men and women should never listen to advice like that. Women and men think they like one thing but often times go with someone who are not that. Why? Because they don't know what they really want.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

That's my problem with the whole situation: I get neither the benefits of growing a beard should I want to yet I still have to go into the bloody ritual of shaving every couple of days or so (when I'm in the work force of course). It makes me wonder if laser hair removal or waxing would just be more time efficient means of getting rid of the few scraps I have. Of course should I ever become a fugitive from the law I won't have the benefit of growing a beard to mask my identity.

I don't think I could ever use a straight razor on myself. Already when I use standard razors I always think "focus, make sure you don't accidently nick your eyeball" (I have an eye trauma phobia).

My jobs force me to shave every single day. Still, if I had to grow a beard to save my life, I can grow some manly "Nathan Drake-esque" stubble in about a day. Probably have a decent beard in about two weeks. My body hair grows at just the right pace too. No hairy back or any other weird stuff like that.

Shaving sucks. It's part of life. Find the best way that works for you and deal or don't shave.

My GF says she likes it better when I look homeless. I can't do that because I need to be perceived by customers and employees as a professional.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.