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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Resident Evil 5 on PS3 looks lousy compared to 360

TheBigFatJ said:

The PS3 version is almost always inferior with multiplat games. Get the 360 version.  Some games are drastically better on the 360 (like Madden was, for example).


a game from the same developer comes to mind,,,,Devil may cry 4.It looked identical with a little bit of edge for the PS3 version




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Lurker said:
RE5 is using the Lost planet engine. PS3 had framerate problems and such with that game.


any link for that?i thought it's using the Devil may cry engine




MontanaHatchet said:


"The PS3 version looked almost identical to the 360 version in the secret levels. I was really worried there, having seen the disparity between the 360 and PS3 on the Japanese demo; but it looks like the demo is way older code."

Some people have no shame. It only took me about 10 seconds of skimming to own this entire thread.


So why didn't you lock this thread?

this thread needs to be locked ,,,the title is misleading




I just wanted to disprove the rumor so future people won't re-post it. That, and I don't care that much.



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SpartanFX said:
Lurker said:
RE5 is using the Lost planet engine. PS3 had framerate problems and such with that game.


any link for that?i thought it's using the Devil may cry engine

I guess it's the engine they use for everything concerning 360, PC and PS3. Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and DMC4. All 3 are on 360 and run well, only DMC4 ran good on PS3.

^I read that part too Shadowblind however I take it with a grain of salt. There's a lot of bitter old gamers that hate how their franchises are changing. If they don't like RE anymore than they should just go pick up Dead Space. BK Nuts and Bolts is a perfect example, it's a fun game that got crapped on for not being a platformer anymore.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Shadowblind said:
Gnac said:
Shadowblind said:

"All in all, I came away from Capcom feeling a little disappointed. It was like getting the kind of gift I wanted, but finding out it’s the wrong type – a Nerf rifle instead of a Super Soaker. I realize Resident Evil 4 was a total departure from the straightforward survival horror genre what with the over-the-shoulder cam and daylight sequences where you’re leading Ashley around. But for some reason, I still felt like it was true to the original Resident Evil because it was upsetting and scary. RE5 doesn’t have that, or at least didn’t show it in the demo or these new levels. What I saw played more like a bland shooter with occasional stressful moments where I was trying to juggle the needs of my partner versus how much ammo I had left. I was never lonely, never anxious and never scared."


Yeash. Now I'm afraid that this title may be pretty bad. This is a fantastic example of how devs are foregoing their roots to 'reach' the west'. Color me unhappy.


I thought the RE series was already quite well-to-do in the west?

Also, I coloured you unhappy (assuming that this shade of brown represents your morose).

;_; my blue was killed


Feel better now?


Former something....

Just wondering if Lurker's finished reading the article yet?  You really should.  Quite a balanced piece overall.

"This is the deep-dish, delicious irony endured by the Nintendo stalwart: to see their platform of choice ascendant, even as their bright God turns his face away."

Tycho Brahe

Shadowblind said:

"All in all, I came away from Capcom feeling a little disappointed. It was like getting the kind of gift I wanted, but finding out it’s the wrong type – a Nerf rifle instead of a Super Soaker. I realize Resident Evil 4 was a total departure from the straightforward survival horror genre what with the over-the-shoulder cam and daylight sequences where you’re leading Ashley around. But for some reason, I still felt like it was true to the original Resident Evil because it was upsetting and scary. RE5 doesn’t have that, or at least didn’t show it in the demo or these new levels. What I saw played more like a bland shooter with occasional stressful moments where I was trying to juggle the needs of my partner versus how much ammo I had left. I was never lonely, never anxious and never scared."


Yeash. Now I'm afraid that this title may be pretty bad. This is a fantastic example of how devs are foregoing their roots to 'reach' the west'. Color me unhappy.


I agree with that quote and u completely. I played RE4, and while it was a good game, it was such a departure from the franchise that I felt that they could have named it something else and have had another (good) franchise in their hands.


This is the way RE4 (and 5) should have been.