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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Memory lame

d21lewis said:
^^^Obviously you haven't seen some of Sony's PS1 ads! It's like they were trying to kill their brand!

I've probably seen some of them, but I can't recall anything from that era. The only exception to that is the Smash Bros. commerical.

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Haha, great stuff. Seems like the anti-PS3 songs are the best (How to Kill a Brand tops all), perhaps they had more material to go on... the before/after pic of the PS3 (removed promised features) is funny.

The Xbox360 song was great though, my second fav... it's just so funny how hateful the lyrics are, lol. Laughing at "Don't you have any fuckin shame?" *Bill Gates pics*. Would've preferred if he left the 360 library out (Warhawk > Halo?), loved it otherwise.

The Wii song isn't nearly as good. I guess the Wii hate from HD fanboys isn't anywhere as heated as the PS3 v 360 rivalry... Wii feel left out! I guess Ninty needs more funny material, like E3 08

I can only assume "memory lame" was also an attempt at humor :P

But really, seems like a great thread and I will now be busy watching all of the videos. :)

I only posted this one because the person used VGC charts.

badgenome said:

That PS3 ad with the creepy ass baby baffles me to this day. Second scariest video game commercial of all time, right behind this one for Nintendo:

That Duck Hunt dog haunts my dreams.
