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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is there so much hate for GTAIV?

Realism kills games. This game is still enjoyable though.

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Nine eleven.

It doesn't deserve the scores it recieved. If San Andreas for this gen were released again then what would that get??? 100+??

I think people are disappointed with the game because they were expecting a sequel to San Andreas. Its like they wanted more features, content and zaniness that made the series fun for many people.

However, this is not what Rockstar did. Instead of making a sequel to SA they went back to GTA 3, looked at it then decided to make this the successor to that game, hence the numerical progression from GTA 3 to GTA 4. As far as SA and VC go they were just reiterations of GTA 3 that added more features and improved graphics without greatly altering the build of the game.

GTA 4 on the other hand is a reinvention of GTA 3. They took the same city and same approach and started from the ground up. Thus, they simplified the game by ignoring a lot of the features from VC and SA. They were more concerned about focusing on Liberty City, and trying to make that setting more realistic and accessible.

This game is what VC should have been, a true sequel in the GTA series. However GTA VC ended up becoming to GTA 3 what SF 3 Second Strike was to SF 3. It was a definite step above GTA 3 by improving on the game play and throwing in extra features. It basically took the formula and made it better. SA was the same. However, in my opinion the story and music from VC made it the best of the 6th gen GTA games.

Anyhow, GTA 4 is a reinvention of GTA 3 not SA. So it doesnt offer everything that people had hoped for. However, I think this is only the beginning. With each new title in the series Rockstar is going to improve on the GTA 4 build starting with the DLC. The DLC wont be a big jump since it is not a stand alone game but it will offer more content, vehicles, weapons and what not. And then when GTA 4.2 comes out it will improve upon the changes made for the DLC and the games will become better and better.

Meanwhile, GTA 4 is what it is. Perhaps its not deserving of its unprecedented acclaim, but I think its a good game none the less. And I enjoyed it immensely.

I cant wait for the DLC. It is going to be great. And even if a lot of people were disappointed with GTA 4 I still think they should give the DLC a chance. It will be a step up over GTA 4. We have a lot more to look forward to from Rockstar.