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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1UP: InFamous interview + new screens

He looks like the apprentice from the Force Unleashed.

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This is right near the top of my list for 2009 games.

This game has a lot of potential. I see both things that I really like and some things that I don't like so much.

First off, the platforming looks increadible and smooth. Even smooter looking then AC. Hanging on trees and using them as shields is awesome. Also, the powers look fun and amazing to look at. It reminds me of what the force unleashed promised to be but just wasn't. Also, the graphics seem really nice, obviously not the best we've seen but it's impressive enough to get excited over.

There were some things I didn't really care for though. That mission seemed pretty boring, run here turn a valve and get poison sprayed in your face, rinse repeat. That makes me worried about the mission structure in this game. I hope the missions wind up being more detailed and frankly, more fun to play. Also, I didn't really like how your friend showed up to heal you and then just runs away. It was really cheesy. Also, the world just didn't seem to be alive as much as lets say Grand Theft Auto.

Personally, I've found that I dislike open world games, I didn't like GTA (any of them really) I didn't like AC, I didn't like Saints Row, but I thought Oblivion and crackdown were ok and I loved Fallout 3 and Spider-man 2 was good. This games still has my interest and will be bought by me day one as long as all the reviews don't say it sucks.

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Dam it looks hot...
But we have Prototype for early 2009,and maybe this for late 2009.



Take my love, take my land..

This comes out in May I think. It's confirmed for Spring at least. I think this will be better then Prototype though, last I saw of that game didn't look too good.

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I saw the Xplay stuff during the show, the game looks incredible, I've been looking forward to it since it was first anounced, I can't wait to play it!!!


Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???


i like the lighting effects ie the lighning on the ground lights it up and the way it gleams off of his short cut stubble hair

I don't know sometimes it looks amazing. (4th pic where he destroys the cars) Sometimes I miss a feeling or character.

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