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Forums - Sales Discussion - Retail Musing- PS3 Sold Out At Walmart

Anectodal evidence....gotta love 'em.

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KatinJin said:
PS3s pretty much overstocked everywhere.


 coming from the guy who claimed that every 360 in North America was sold on BF...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

haha, OK do you know that walmart only stack like 4 - 6 at the most in the glass case. So Ok they sold 4 PS3. Happy now Bigjon. It is not like Best buy where they are used as baracades.

ps3 sold out in your wall-mart?.....................waooooooo..

it stop the financial problems for sony?

win the generation.?

the ee uu kill it bin laden?

time to time ...



RayRay102 said:
haha, OK do you know that walmart only stack like 4 - 6 at the most in the glass case. So Ok they sold 4 PS3. Happy now Bigjon. It is not like Best buy where they are used as baracades.



so... um... ya, walmart only carries no more than 4 consoles at a time... I already said I asked them if there were any in the back. Also, BB keep alot of its stock during the holidays on the floor Walmart keeps it in the back.

happy now rayray...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Around the Network

Keep in mind last month we had reports of the PS3 selling like gang busters and Wii over supply. Then NPD came out and made all those reports insignificant.

bigjon said:
RayRay102 said:
haha, OK do you know that walmart only stack like 4 - 6 at the most in the glass case. So Ok they sold 4 PS3. Happy now Bigjon. It is not like Best buy where they are used as baracades.



so... um... ya, walmart only carries no more than 4 consoles at a time... I already said I asked them if there were any in the back. Also, BB keep alot of its stock during the holidays on the floor Walmart keeps it in the back.

happy now rayray...

So what exactly are you trying to prove with this Thread. You know sales varies from places to places. One of the Walmart I went to recently was sold out of Golden Axe. Does that mean anything? Why don't you go to 10 different Walmarts and investigate. This is like asking one person for a survey and stop. Ok


FishyJoe said:
Keep in mind last month we had reports of the PS3 selling like gang busters and Wii over supply. Then NPD came out and made all those reports insignificant.


To be fair, I think we're all seeing Wiis in stores now, but this is more of a case of Nintendo producing more than people not buying them and NPD shows that.

it depends how the employees work. If they aren't lazy and go to backstage to restock the consoles, then probably 360s and ps3s are in stock. MS will not repeat last year's error that they didn't have enough 360 for end of december and january. Sony has a healthy production of ps3s and demands aren't surpassing supply, so it should be all good.