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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2008 Belongs to?

I really dislike it when people who say the X360 has the best library. I am not a fan of shooters, which pretty much means the X360 is the worst system by a mile. They have by far some of the best shooters, and some of these look and play brilliant. But the fact remains that the X360 library is a niche library. If you remove the shooters, the PSP probably even has a better library than the X360.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

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all in all, it was a good year for everyone. Nintendo got it with incredible sales and good casual games such as mario kart, smash and wii fit. Sony got its first big year for software with the established MGS series and other great third party titles, also with a very interesting new ip LBP. Microsoft did well too by being the underdog most of the year and turn it 180 by end of summer/start of fall, with awesome sequels too, notably gears2 and fable2.

In conclusion, gamers were the winner of 2008.

sparkit34 said:
I really dislike it when people who say the X360 has the best library. I am not a fan of shooters, which pretty much means the X360 is the worst system by a mile. They have by far some of the best shooters, and some of these look and play brilliant. But the fact remains that the X360 library is a niche library. If you remove the shooters, the PSP probably even has a better library than the X360.

Tell me, what makes the PS3 library so much better? You're mistaken if you think the 360 is just a "shooter" console.

I am sorry some illusions must be shattered. Firstly GT5P and Lost Odyssey are not games of 2008. They are both games of 2007, because that was the year they were launched in Japan. Stop including these games in your lists. This site is global not local. For no other reason then to recognize that Japan is a legitimate market.

Secondly I would say that Microsoft won this year. Not necessarily by having the greatest exclusives. However they did win on variety, and volume. In the final analysis that is far more significant then having the best top five. Especially if that top five does not meet your needs, or were sequels to merely decent titles. The gaping holes in the PS3 cannot just be overlooked, because that means a large segment of consumers are being overlooked.

I recognize that this site, and virtually all gaming sites, have an overrepresentation of a gaming demographic that will tend to minimize Nintendo’s accomplishments. However, speaking for the loyal opposition, I will respectfully disagree.


Pretending to ignore the overwhelming success in the marketplace of both the Wii and the DS is disingenuous at best. These are commercial ventures not hobbies. For a company which was expected to totally fail this time round, their performance has been phenomenal. So much so that we have developed this little convenient little fiction that Nintendo is living in an alternate universe that doesn’t really count. Well it does count. You may turn a blind eye and pretend but I can assure you that, PR BS to the contrary, Sony and MS are under no illusion about being in competition and knowing that they are losing badly. So badly that they are having to cut prices to untenable levels just to stay in the game at all.
As economic conditions worsen you can be damn sure stock holders will not pretend.
 Game developers tried to ignore what was happening but are realizing they cannot. Commercial success means improving 3rd party support and funds for new innovations.



While you may personally prefer MS or Sony games, once again commercial success is important. And although some refuse to believe it, high definition does not guarantee automatic victory, critical or commercial in multiplatform releases. Ranking games is largely a matter of taste. Taking a wider viewpoint and factoring in the extra year…



The list of nominees says it all. GTA 4, MGS 4, Halo 3. A serial number in the title pretty much disqualifies a game from being consider an innovative new IP and originality should always be weighed heavily. With the notable exception of LBP, which has not enjoyed the sales it deserves, the HD consoles have produced very few truly original IPs. Certainly none are on the scale of Wii Fit, in terms of taking a leap. It’s hard to remember how ridiculed Wii Fit was now that it is threatening to outsell the PS3. Even the much maligned Wii Music is starting to post some serious numbers. Raving Rabbits playing on your butt, the Blob, balance board snowboarding; Nintendo and third parties have both been thinking outside the box and making it pay off.



Whether you mean growth in numbers, market, market share, new groups brought in to gaming, expanding features, increased support there is only one possible winner.



Unless you are turning a blind eye towards reality so that your personal favorite platform has a chance there can only be one winner. The only award you could extend to Sony this year might be a “moral victory” for being such a beautifully engineered machine. But if any of you remember POGO, he said it best: “We Won a Moral Victory … That Means We Lost.”


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c0rd said:

Hrmm... I understand the 360 upset was pretty damn surprising, but there's something about 2008 that easily shifts it to Nintendo's favor, IMO.

Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii.

Seriously, did anyone expect these games to sell like they are? It's insane - we've accepted it now, but that's because it's old news.

As for games, I only got a 360 recently, but all consoles are about even for me. The Wii is my main, but there's many great HD games I haven't got to play yet...

*Looks at prediction in sig created the day after WiiFit was announced*

*Looks at sales of every mario kart to date*

Yes, some people expected it.  Seriously, did anyone not expect these games to sell like they are?

Also, hilarious blast from the past:

EDIT:  Also, a great (accurate) prediction by Game_boy:

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)

Im gonna have the best answer.

All of the above.

Now no one can disagree with me lol.

Also psrock is that an ass in your avatar? lmao wtf?

I'll just keep it about games. I don't have a Wii but it's lineup for this year did not look too great. Microsoft didn't impress me much this year with their offerings, so I'll say the PS3 is the winner.


alpha_dk said:

Yes, some people expected it.  Seriously, did anyone not expect these games to sell like they are?

Also, hilarious blast from the past:

That is pretty funny.


I'm giving it to Microsoft/360. They had an impressive line-up, lots of third party support, they had great sales, hell they even manage to sell the PS3 in Japan for weeks. And oh yeah, they're getting two of PS3's biggest exclusive: FFXIII and Tekken 6.