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Forums - Gaming Discussion - When will the PS3 be hacked?

It can already be hacked but it is not cost effective. The blank Blu-Ray discs are too expensive. The PS3 needs a hardware mod chip to play pirated games on it.

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The PS3 hacked? It already has been... by my buddy David. That's the reason why he got rid of his 360.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Hopefully it wont be hacked. PS3 software is struggling enough as it is without games being copied

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Dgc1808 said:
BrayanA said:

Who will download 25 GB files? How many games you can put on your 40GB drive if only one game is 25GB?


If you're able to hack your PS3, I doubt you would have much issues upgrading your HDD to something like a 320GB or more.

As for downloading... I've downloaded 75GB worth of detective conan eps and movies at once b4..... so.....

Ahhh I see ... you are the real incarnation of the average PS3 owner. How I can forget. 99.9% of them upgrade to 320GB and eat 25GB files like cookies ... and they are doing this to play few games (most of them can't be played from HDD).



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I think it's a software issue. The main reason pirating is so big on PC is because there's no reasonable way for a normal person to buy all the the good games coming out. The PS3 is more oriented towards a few superstar titles releasing every year.

Result: Paying 200$ to get your PS3 hacked isn't worth it to get 5 good games free.
Paying 200$ to get your 360 hacked is worth it to get 10-15 good games free.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

hackers should think of a way to do what they did with xbox 1 and copy games to hdd since we can have large hdds on the ps3..

@Numonex : Evidence Please.

@Comrade Tovya : Your Buddy is lying

@Showerta : Wrong , So Wrong :(.