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Forums - Gaming Discussion - When will the PS3 be hacked?

It been two years since its launch but stilll it hasn't been hacked.All the other consoles have been hacked.Hacking of a consoles help its sales because in the devloping countries,nobody is ready to buy so expensive games.And one more thing,the consoles don't suffer alot like the handhelds.The PS2 was hacked very soon after its launch but it didn't stop developers from making games for it.The PSP on the other hand suffered a huge blow to their third party support because of its being hacked.

Will the PS3 get hacked next year?

If not then when will it be hacked?

Also,Is there a chance of it not getting hacked?


Around the Network

If it doesn't then Sony can say goodbye to 2nd place. Its probably in the top 3 reasons why it isn't selling well.



The earlier the better. I want RSX unlocked!






We can hope never but here's a thought, why is it companies are not making more games for the PS3 in the knowledge that they won't be stolen?


Hmm, pie.

its already been hacked. the problem is its far too expensive to do it en masse.

Around the Network

Selling more to developing countries is good only if you make a profit on each console sold. In Sony's case, more sales without increase in game sales is like flushing money down the toilet.

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

bugrimmar said:
its already been hacked. the problem is its far too expensive to do it en masse.


i think there is a rumor about a iso loader in development,  with is you can rent a game copy it to the hard drive and launch the game from there any time, is a software and there is no need for mod chip, so i dont think is expensive. Apparently the problem is that with every ps3 firmware update you have to wait until the hackers make a new iso loader, is all a rumor, but it would be cool if it come true.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

it will

lol iso loader.

I cant wait for those HUGE multilayer blu ray games in the future that will be bigger then the hdd.



Who will download 25 GB files? How many games you can put on your 40GB drive if only one game is 25GB?