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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - If Halo War is a commercial success, will Starcraft 2 be ported to the 360?

I mean the game might come out in early 09, so a console release could be possible as a fall 09 release.

I mean xbox 360 has its fair share of RTS but with Halo Wars and Starcraft 2, RTS might just become a popular genre on consoles.

And with PC games falling due to piracy, I would think it could be a wise move for Blizzard.

If that would happened, I think it is a big win for the 360 because they need all the help they can in 09.


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Could be, Starcraft 1 was ported to the Nintendo 64 (let me tell you it LAggeed)

It was Called Starcraft 64 in case you were wondering...let everything else on the console lol

Unlikely. Bilzzard is in their own world, they could care less about making more money on consoles. Think about how much money they could have made if WOW was on PS3/360 already.

Regardless, I would love to see SC on consoles, but only if there's KB&M support. Starcraft should still sell gangbusters on PC Korea.

i doubt that the consoles can handle it. sc2 looks to have so many particle effects that only a good pc can handle.

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^ I'm pretty sure Blizzard made the game so many PCs could handle it. So they would have a bigger install base to work with.

even if they do port it to 360...everyone will have it on their they wont want to buy it for 360....RTS on console will result in epic fail...RTS should stay on pc

I don't think so. Starcraft will most likely remain pc/mac exclusive. Its not like they need the money, starcraft 1 sold almost 10 million copies (and is still selling).

KLucifer said:
even if they do port it to 360...everyone will have it on their they wont want to buy it for 360....RTS on console will result in epic fail...RTS should stay on pc


Hyperbole much??

On topic: C&C 3 has done over 500k on 360, and Halo Wars will do over a million based on the Halo name alone.  If it's good it could even do 2.  I think the potential is there for console RTS to sell well if the controls are implemented well, and given Blizzards recent statement that they may make a console game if it feels right then I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a port.

do I think it's likely? No, probably not.  Starcraft Ghost would feel more at home on consoles if they ever resurrect that idea, or they may do a completely new IP which is always nice, but at this point there's no way to tell.

last i checked c&c 3 sold only 100k...

unless they implement some sort of control to replace the'll be hard....and especially another big reason is hotkeys...unless the only thing u play is dota....controller would not be sufficient enough...but we'll see what happens....

i think the wii controller would be perfect...with motion sensor....using the pointer to replace the mouse