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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Any console ever had an higher fail rate than 360?

The X360 had about as much reliability issues as the Playstation and Playstation 2.

That is to say, that the first batch was abysmally flawed, but they've certainly improved on their device...Although it seems like the X360 may have taken longer to get to acceptable levels.

As far as I can tell, all (if not a significant majority) of Playstation 1's made between September 24th, 1994 and December 5, 1995 all died due to laser warping..Which would mean that the reliability of said Playstations may have been as bad, or worse than the X360's.

For the Playstation 2, the disc read errors look to of been a problem for around 3 years before Sony fixed them. Sony also had a 30 day warranty on the Playstation 2's, so it looks like massive numbers of users that had the problems were pretty much SOL for replacements.

That's compared to the X360 which had problems for 2 years, but did fix the issue with the Falcon, and offered a 3 year warranty.

So I'd say that reliability is on the worse side of things - around PS1/PS2 quality, but the warranty has been much better...So it's a mixed bag.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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disolitude said:
No I don't think it did. First gen PS1 and PS2 come close.

lol no.


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Garnett said:
One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths: (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


Wrong,The first year 360 sold about 5 million,so 16% is nothing to the actually 25 million sold...


it was 33 percent at launch...


Check out my game about moles ^

Well, they sent me a brand new one when mine failed (not a refurb) with a manufacturer date of 08/2008.. so I assume I have the Falcon now. It's nearly silent just like my PS3.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


If they're sending out silent replacement 360s for old broken ones, I think I need to get my 360 to RRoD. The only thing I don't like about the system is the noise it makes and it usually means I don't play it too often since my main gaming area has the system just a few feet away and the noise would... my ears.

Still, I'm pretty sure the 32X has to have a pretty bad failure. I had three different ones break down on me all within a month or so and I did with the system was leave it in the Genesis. It's the only console I've had that just broke on me for no reason (asides from Sega making them poorly).