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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why are PS3 owners really bothered about the PS3 being in 3rd , seriously ?

I'm a PS3 owner and supporter and I get peeved for a number of reasons ^^

There are a select few people out there who make us all seem batshit crazy for one, with insane sales predictions, harshness towards the opposing consoles, and varous other oddities :P Which is fine ^^ I admire your enthusiasm! However... because of these select few, us more normal PS3 supporters that simply hope for the best get typecasted into many categories I don't agree with at all, and the mentality continues throughout the message boards, taking volleys from all the other "fanboys".

For some reason, there seems to be an aggressive push against people who have high hopes for sales of a game, even going so far as saying "This game will sell ton's of consoles!". Is it true or not? Who knows :) Not the point! He's obviously got high hopes for this game. Then the dark side >_> For every 1 person to say "this game is going to move consoles!, just wait till "x,x,x" come out!", you get 30 people saying "Oh... look at the pitiful PS3 owners, desperate because your in last place" or them too saying sarcastic things like "Ooop check that one off the list of PS3 domination ah hur hur hur... so are we waiting till "x,x,x" for ps3 domination? hur hur hurrrrrrr."

I get upset at the site sometimes, because it's like people look down on me for supporting the PS3, for hoping that a game sells well, hoping that every game released is going to be a good one, for just generally being optimistic when times look bad :P

Then it comes down to a positive PS3 thread being turned into "find a way to fix the logic of all these people so they're entirely upset and realize they're foolish" :P In which case, people who care little for the topic at hand, invade the thread, and have a massive wank fest with each other while they completely trash the original message the thread was aiming for :P

I'm not saying it doesn't happen with the other threads (granted I wouldn't really know, I don't browse too many non-sony forums), but I notice it a ton with the PS3 threads xD Someone could be thrilled with a preview of a game, yet 10 people have to run in there and give reasons they weren't impressed, yet it's like, dude, if you weren't impressed, why are you even here xD You don't really give a shit :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Because gamers like to pretend their cool and when their console isn't the most popular it makes them feel nerdy?

Either that or just fear that they won't get as many good games as they could have.

Or just plain brand identifiication.

I'm a PS3 owner, and I'm not bothered.

Gamecube was in 3rd and got RE4. I'd settle for something like that.

coolestguyever said:
I'm not bothered man, I just laugh.

I have 2 friends at school with wiis that brag about its good sales. I think one of them has about 3 games and the other has like 4 or 5. And don't get me wrong they have the money for more games. If their console is so good why don't they have more great games?

I love my PS3 and its games. I plan to buy Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Uncharted 2. I'll check out Heavy Rain and the other new IP's.


You realise the average Wii owner has more games than the average PS3 owner.... by about 1.5

Your friends are typical Wii owners, you are not a typical PS3 owner.

Million said:
colonelstubbs said:
Because last is always an emarassing place to be in?


Oh so how much dividends did MS pay you for your recent aquisition of an XBOX 360 ?

loll, we need to ask colonel this lol, colonel you're days are numbered lol

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TWRoO said:
coolestguyever said:
I'm not bothered man, I just laugh.

I have 2 friends at school with wiis that brag about its good sales. I think one of them has about 3 games and the other has like 4 or 5. And don't get me wrong they have the money for more games. If their console is so good why don't they have more great games?

I love my PS3 and its games. I plan to buy Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Uncharted 2. I'll check out Heavy Rain and the other new IP's.


You realise the average Wii owner has more games than the average PS3 owner.... by about 1.5

Your friends are typical Wii owners, you are not a typical PS3 owner.

Yep.  I mean i have... 24 Wii games... and 2 PS3 games...  (No wait... 25 wii games.  Just got one as a gift.)

That's not really showing anything, other then i think the wii has a lot better games and more of them.


twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.



Thanks for completely missing my point!

The point you had made had to be addressed with common sense.



My point had absolutely nothing to do with pricing, it just had to do with the fact that people want whatever is #1.  If they see #1 as has sold the most consoles then they are unhappy that the PS3 isn't #1.

You can give 100 reasons why the PS3 hasn't sold the most, I don't care, they have nothing to do with what I said.

There are these people that are use to having the best.  They bought the PS3 assuming the Playstation would continue to be the best brand.  Since they assume sold the most means the best, they are upset they don't have the best.

Even worse to them, they're in last place.

All the ps3 needs is a price cut, and who says it will end up in third. Im pretty confident 2nd place is still up for grabs. 2009's ps3 line up blows away the competition, FACT!


megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.



Thanks for completely missing my point!

The point you had made had to be addressed with common sense.



My point had absolutely nothing to do with pricing, it just had to do with the fact that people want whatever is #1.  If they see #1 as has sold the most consoles then they are unhappy that the PS3 isn't #1.

You can give 100 reasons why the PS3 hasn't sold the most, I don't care, they have nothing to do with what I said.

There are these people that are use to having the best.  They bought the PS3 assuming the Playstation would continue to be the best brand.  Since they assume sold the most means the best, they are upset they don't have the best.

Even worse to them, they're in last place.

All the ps3 needs is a price cut, and who says it will end up in third. Im pretty confident 2nd place is still up for grabs. 2009's ps3 line up blows away the competition, FACT!


I'd call it fiction... or an opinion.... which is really the problem with opinions.


megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.



Thanks for completely missing my point!

The point you had made had to be addressed with common sense.



My point had absolutely nothing to do with pricing, it just had to do with the fact that people want whatever is #1.  If they see #1 as has sold the most consoles then they are unhappy that the PS3 isn't #1.

You can give 100 reasons why the PS3 hasn't sold the most, I don't care, they have nothing to do with what I said.

There are these people that are use to having the best.  They bought the PS3 assuming the Playstation would continue to be the best brand.  Since they assume sold the most means the best, they are upset they don't have the best.

Even worse to them, they're in last place.

All the ps3 needs is a price cut, and who says it will end up in third. Im pretty confident 2nd place is still up for grabs. 2009's ps3 line up blows away the competition, OPINION!


You are correct.


PS3 SUPPOSIVELY had the best lineup of 2008 (which I think 360's Gears 2, Fable 2 & Ninja Gaiden 2 ALONE beat PS3 for my taste), and it still is getting destroyed in sales (hardware and software wise) by the 360 & Wii.  Also, 360 has a 7+ MILLION sales lead over PS3, and PS3 most likely wont see a price cut till Fall 2009 at the earliest since Sony STILL loses money for every PS3 sold.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M