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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why are PS3 owners really bothered about the PS3 being in 3rd , seriously ?

twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

If that's the case, they should buy the best*.  Then they needn't be upset anymore.

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Because last is always an emarassing place to be in?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

it doesn't really bother me to much it's just the fact that the greatest console gaming empire the past 10 or so years doesn't deserve to be in last

it's also getting the short end of the stick on certain 3rd party games as developers don't think it's worth the time to do a better job

it is also in 3rd currently do to MS playing real dirty by taking almost all of sony's 3rd party exclusives that made ps12 what they were and that just ain't right


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megaman2 said:
Million said:

I mean seriously if you didn't know anything about the PS3's sales performance i'd say it was still good times , the GC and XBOX suffered heavily with the PS2 gaining a significant % of developer support , I remember feeling so left out when I bought the GC as my first console for that gen (I eventualy went on to by the PS2 though) .


Reeves has promised not cut back any ongoing development

""We don't have many personnel to cut back. Half our personnel are in the development of the games. That's an investment. We're not scaling down at all." Good news for first party developers; it looks like their jobs (and the games they are developing) are relatively safe."

PS3 had MGS4 , GT5:P , Resistance 2 , Little Big Plannet , Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm , Socom , Valkryia Chronicles , Motorstorm 2 , Wipeout HD and Singstar in 2008 THIS IS ONE YEAR , ONE YEAR !!!.

Uncharted 2 , God Of War 3 , Killzone 2 ,  GT5 , Infamous , War Devil , White Knight Chronicles , DC Universe , The Agency , MAG , Quantam Theory , Demon Soul and the "BBC PROJECT" have all be confirmed for a release on the PS3 and there's more....


We have so much 1st party support I don't think some PS3 owners appreciate the extent of quality support the PS3 has received ; many PS3 owners look at the sales statistics and start complaing.


-More exclusives 1st and 3rd party will likely be announced

-the PS3 still shares the vast majority of 3rd party support with the XBOX 360

-PSN is still free and will likely remain free for the rest of this gen.

-Home will likely imrpove and get better .

-The PS3 has hardly depreciated in value except when Sony cut the price so it's a great investment.

-More games will be lead on the PS3.



This is Megaman2 AKA Sony leader, We are not bothered about being in third but will not allow our precious console to be bashed by haters. We have the greatest console known man, a system that is build a like a tank and future proof. All we ever do is defend our console with grace, humility and passion. We set an example on this site but many struggle to reach our stature!




megaman2 said:

future proof.

Too bad is isn't present-proof.

PS3 fans know they have the best system with the best games, so they shouldn't care about it's sales and should just shut up and play games.

Similarly as a Wii owner I know the Wii is the best system with the best games, so I should shut up and play games.

Of course we all know that isn't going to happen.


Around the Network

  Agreed solid thread.  Sales shouldn't make you not enjoy what you have and the ps3 still has PLENTY of support

megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.


i am so tired of seing this argument.  of course it wouldn't sell the same because it doesn't offer as many options.  in order for both systems to be at the same price range either the 360 would have more options added on to it or the ps3 would have less


Agreed +1

colonelstubbs said:
Because last is always an emarassing place to be in?


Oh so how much dividends did MS pay you for your recent aquisition of an XBOX 360 ?

Honestly, if it wasn't for habit, I would not come to this site, since I rarely if ever go into threads that talk about sales. This site is purely based on sales, so of course, arguments will always boil down to which one is selling and which one is not. I'm not saying that the site is bad for that, it's good as a reference, to see the trends of how consoles / games are selling. To say that Console x is better than Console y because its selling better, is beyond stupid. It's all based on what console has the games YOU want to play and if YOU have a good time with it.

megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.



Thanks for completely missing my point!

The point you had made had to be addressed with common sense.


Hypothetical = common sense?

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"