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Forums - Sony Discussion - Matrix on Blu-Ray = Awesome!

So I purchased the Ultimate Matrix Collection yesterday on Blu-Ray and was blown away by the set. First off, the first Matrix movie which is very grainy on DVD looks amazingly clear in Blu-Ray. I saw many things that I didn't see when watching the movie on DVD and I've seen the DVD 20+ times. I still think that Warner Bros. should release standalone Blu-Rays of the movies but that is just me.

Only gripe about this and other Warner Blu-Ray movies. Why the heck can't they have a menu? I hate when you pop a Blu-Ray in and it starts the movie. Almost every other Blu-Ray I have that is not Warner has a menu. Come on Warner give me a menu.

And for those that are going to mention the Pop-up menu that is not what I mean. I mean a Top Menu like normal DVDs have.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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The new Bravia is coming in handy now eh? :)

They are releasing a 10 year anniversary of the 1st movie as a standalone next year. I'm guessing that's the one most people will want, anyway.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

The matrix was one of the first films to take advantage of dvd...sounds like its doing the same for Blu-ray

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Big-budget action movies look amazing on BluRay. Really amazing. I would love to get Lord of the Rings, would be worth the price of a PS3 alone.

Why the heck can't they have a menu? I hate when you pop a Blu-Ray in and it starts the movie.

See and I LOVE this. You put a disc into the drive it runs -> HEAVEN. No stupid ads, no stupid anti-pirate spots, no stupid menu. Just the movie playing. This is how it should be and I would pay a dollar extra to get it like that. (The Superman BluRay was like this they really learned)

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@ Kyros

no stupid menu

As the latest Blu-Ray standards requires storage, IMO this should be made optional. Just save your preferences and it either boots you straight into the movie or into the main menu.

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disolitude said:
The new Bravia is coming in handy now eh? :)

Yes, it is. I have 24 Blu-Ray disc that are going to need rewatching on the new TV.


@Kyros - It's a matter of preference. I usually do things before I start the movie. Such as pop Popcorn, Get a drink, use the rest room, etc. I usually leave DVD's on the menu screen while I do this.


Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

Can't you make them before putting movie into player? :)


the matrix all went down after the pure awesomeness of "blue pill vs red pill".

after that part, the story became absolute crud. that dumbass, learn to take the right goddamn pill. ignorance = bliss.

Nice I wanna get it now the whole trilogy for Blu-ray is only £30