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who would you vote for and why

David Cameron


Gordon Brown

if other plez state

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Cameron. Brown isnt english!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Cameron. Brown isnt english!


 i know he comes from scotland but thats not really a reason not to vote for the guy

Brown because he comes from Scotland;

konnichiwa said:
Brown because he comes from Scotland;



thats no reason to vote for someone

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But Scotland is awesome, and I don't know both of them so I choose the one from the region who I like the most (like probably everyone else woud do in my case).

I think brown because he seems more down to earth than cameron who is like a toff lol

this is David Cameron

and this is Gordon Brown

dogsforlife said:

this is David Cameron

looks like a funny guy.


no not really