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Forums - General Discussion - Name a country, rate the one above you.

7/10 - Skiing ftw.


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Madagascar :D :D !



9/10 very good chocolate.


10/10 - Sounds like "Ya, Man" hehe.


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SamuelRSmith said:
10/10 - Sounds like "Ya, Man" hehe.



Its difficult to have an opinion on a tiny principality that I've never been to and don't know much about.. but I like their flag so I'll give Andorra a 7/10.



6/10 beautiful country, but barely any population (under 1 million)


5/10 my parents went there for vacation few years back and got the runs!
N. Korea (my father was born there)

7/10 for North Korea, but only because I hear that their foreign relations are improving...

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Oh, and I'll put Canada on the table...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

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