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Forums - General Discussion - Aaaaaargh. College (University) was a complete waste of time for me.

numonex said:

I just completed a Commerce degree undergraduate major in accounting. Waste of time people, unless you know people in that field.

I now understand the college degree I have just completed was a complete waste of time. All work places want a minimum of 12 to 18 months experience in accounting along with the degree as a minimum. Preferrably firms want a graduate with 2 to 3 years experience in the field for any entry level job in accounting including graduate jobs.

Colleges and Universities are businesses and they sell these  Business courses to people promising the world. Lots of people complete the courses and end up no where except a life time of debt. The current way the economy has changed will result in firms being reluctant to take on and train graduates in accounting, banking and finance sectors that are experiencing a huge down turn.

"It is not want you know, it is who you know"

I guess I will be stuck doing some crap unskilled low paid jobs including: storeman, cleaning, factory or labouring job for the rest of my life. Life is a bitch.

Rant/ bitching over.


Don't complain. Right now people in Africa are starving looking for food and medicine.
Your life is Superb in comparison.