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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft a god to you?

Neoraf said:
  • Microsoft is not a God, it's a Giant.
  • Sony is not a God, it's a brand of the past.
  • Nintendo is not a God, it's the gaming"Toy'R'us".


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I believe in a superior entity, but i don't follow any organized religion...

As for the companies, i like most Nintendo products and most Sony products, even at times when they make a bad business decision, i can be safe that the majority of the products are reliable and have really good quality, as opposed to Microsoft that has a history of doing the opposite...

Now, i don't hate MS, i respect them, especially Bill Gates for his vision (and he's a cool guy, at least that was the impression when i met him)... But simply i don't trust in their products and i'm not blindfolded (like some i've seen here) believing every word they say (then again, i don't believe in any word any company says, i prove the things myself)...