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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wheres the Bioshock love at?


When you see LBP and Bioshock, LBP gets all the love.

LBP is so good that I'll buy another copy, instead of bioshock.


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I am a PSWii owner and I bought Bioshock for my PS3. From now on it's up to other PS3 owners. Your right J man, it deserved so much more.

I think Bioshock should get some more love in general. I know plenty of people that think the game is a horrible trash game, they say that its a stupid knock-off of Resident Evil. I don't get why so many people hate this game so much. Pisses me off that someone could hate something so perfect!!

yo_john117 said:
I think Bioshock should get some more love in general. I know plenty of people that think the game is a horrible trash game, they say that its a stupid knock-off of Resident Evil. I don't get why so many people hate this game so much. Pisses me off that someone could hate something so perfect!!


Knock-off of Resident Evil? They obviously know nothing about Bioshock.

I dun like bioshock, in my personal opinion... the graphics are even more fugly then enchanted arms...

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Well, how can they bring it out, put a new cover on it and charge $60 for it? Isn't it basically the same game that 360 users can get for $30?

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

If you go back that way for about a year, you'll find the answer. ;)

well would of brought it but one year later cmon seriously >_>
btw how much is it if its around 30 then maybe

Sephiroth357 said:

When you see LBP and Bioshock, LBP gets all the love.

LBP is so good that I'll buy another copy, instead of bioshock.




Wheres the Bioshock love at?

When it came out for the 360 and PC.